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Mail Box

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 10:02 am
by bass.warrior
Teenager proof mailbox.



Re: Mail Box

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 11:35 am
by Braehill
I had a neighbor growing up that rolled a piece of 3/8 Aluminum into a U shape and welded it to a 3/8 flat plate and then welded it to a 2" solid rod that he cemented in the ground. It was about a 1/4 of a mile to my house from his and when they would hit it with a ball bat you would hear the box ring and the glass break from their side rear window when the bat snapped and went through it. Gotta love heavy duty.

I worked in a cylinder fill plant and all the old cylinders that wouldn't pass retest end up as either bumper poles or the bases were cut for similar mail boxes to yours. Yes they can stand up to teenagers very well. They only hit them once, then it's mail box 1 , teenager 0.


Re: Mail Box

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 6:57 pm
by Superiorwelding
I had a teenager hit my mailbox two years ago and thought about making a custom box but had heard that custom boxes (I think there are certain dimensions one must meet) and steel poles were illegal here. I share a post with the neighbor and she would have a fit if I put something "ugly" in her opinion, so I just bought two matching boxes and put them back up. Oh well maybe at the next house. :D

Re: Mail Box

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:18 pm
by Tassie Dave
I made a wooden letter box in the form of a house. It survived all week then on a Saturday night it would receive the teenager treatment. I spent many a Sunday remaking the box, i even put screws through it so the mongrel would get a sore foot. It still got destroyed. I then made a steel letter box. The same as the wooden one hoping to break some smarties leg when he went to kick it. I concreted the pole into the ground and it was solid. It did the job destructive proof. Then i had a new drive put in and the letter box was just on the edge of the drive so it had to be relocated. My only option was to secure it to a concrete retaining wall with dyna bolts. I came home one Sunday morning after working a night shift and drove in thinking something was not quite right. I looked to the road and bugger me , the letter box was " gone ". Some swine had actually ripped the letterbox right off the retaining wall. So i then had to get a new mail box and fix the retaining wall. I would like to say what i really said when i found this but would be moderated severely.

Re: Mail Box

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:08 pm
by weldin mike 27
We try not to censor posts, unless you are being abusive. So curse away.


Re: Mail Box

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:14 pm
by Otto Nobedder
I'll add that I've heard of lawsuits over "non-approved" mailboxes in areas that have ordinances. Even cases of kids trying to smach a box (a felony) and getting injured in the process.

I thought this through, and should I need it, my design would be a solid but light box on a pole with a break-away center section, where all I have to do is change out a 2-foot section of 2X2 pine in the center of the post. Gravity attach, so I don't even have to unscrew anything... just pull the busted ends out and stick in a fresh section of tomato-stake.

Steve S

Re: Mail Box

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:40 pm
by soutthpaw
Otto Nobedder wrote:I'll add that I've heard of lawsuits over "non-approved" mailboxes in areas that have ordinances. Even cases of kids trying to smach a box (a felony) and getting injured in the process.

I thought this through, and should I need it, my design would be a solid but light box on a pole with a break-away center section, where all I have to do is change out a 2-foot section of 2X2 pine in the center of the post. Gravity attach, so I don't even have to unscrew anything... just pull the busted ends out and stick in a fresh section of tomato-stake.

Steve S
Only in Merica' any other sensible country, they would tell the kid he got what he deserved and make the vandal pay for the replacement mailbox.

Re: Mail Box

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:38 am
by 79jasper
^ exactly. :smh

Sent from my SM-T537R4 using Tapatalk

Re: Mail Box

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:54 pm
by Otto Nobedder
soutthpaw wrote:
Otto Nobedder wrote:I'll add that I've heard of lawsuits over "non-approved" mailboxes in areas that have ordinances. Even cases of kids trying to smach a box (a felony) and getting injured in the process.

I thought this through, and should I need it, my design would be a solid but light box on a pole with a break-away center section, where all I have to do is change out a 2-foot section of 2X2 pine in the center of the post. Gravity attach, so I don't even have to unscrew anything... just pull the busted ends out and stick in a fresh section of tomato-stake.

Steve S
Only in Merica' any other sensible country, they would tell the kid he got what he deserved and make the vandal pay for the replacement mailbox.
In 'Merica, the poor daddys ask, "Did you learn anything?" and the rich daddys ask, "Did they have a nice house and car?"

Justice may be blind, but she feels which side of those scales have the gold...

Steve S

Re: Mail Box

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:53 pm
by sling-it
A standard mail box long as you place it between two second wood fence posts. Corner posts are just overkill.

Bang away kids.