Like The Block wall look of the shop
drawers are a nice touch
the yellow goes well in the shop
craftsmanship great
an idea, rasie top shelf for the mig and make it center pivot to swing the mig cabling up out of way for smaller storage foot print, with a down angle when in use
Last edited by rick9345 on Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Everlast 250EX
Miller 250 syncrowave
Sharp LMV Vertical Mill
Takisawa TSL-800-D Lathe
Coupla Bandsaws,Grinders,surface grinder,tool/cutter grinder
and more stuff than I deserve(Thanks Significant Other)
Nicely executed, and well documented - thanks for sharing! That cart isn't falling apart anytime soon.
I like your chain solution for securing the tank; only thought is how to make it adjustable to support different tank diameters as you swap refills. (Add/remove links?) I thought I had a plan until someone mentioned that wrinkle.
Great looking cart, i like the pin u fab up. I aslo love the makita poster, in my opinion no shop should be without a half naked woman hanging around, i have several. Keep up the nice work.
All the way down - very nicely done. I always like to see other folks approach to things. Great work!
Thanks for the effort to get it on here. Love to see tools and equipment where there was a lot of thought put into it and in your case it is obvious. You have design skill as well as execution skill. The bottle holder is a nice touch.
Never be reluctant to put this kind of thing up.
This is really a nice project...good amount of thought and planning, as well as good workmanship. I like it a lot. The yellow color is a good contrast with the Lincoln red.
Very nice cart, welding table, and numerous other stands and equipment support racks. I can see you strive to pay attention to the details. Do you draw/document your designs as well? Do you have access to some CAD programs to make drawings? I can see a modification to your cart will be required to mount your new TIG welder (future purchase?). When you get your new TIG welder, don't forget to join the TIG Partaholics anonymous club (no one is immune).