Whos hiring and where, pay, hours, Certification tests given, tig, mig, stick?
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I found this website and forum and I hope that you guys can help me understand how to get better job. Since 2011 I'm trailer mechanic. I weld, cut with torch and fabricate parts for trailer framing. This is 5 years now. I welded different angles and no one ever asked for any certification. I would like to be better and better paid. I live close to Chicago and i heard that pipe welders can get even $40/hr. I currently earn $26/hr and have only some OT. There was a young guy a year ago. He applied to company i work for with no exp. He was trained and just before he was scheduled to my dead third shift he said he quits. He said that he went to community college and got welding certification probably in 6months. I dont know what exactly but it looks like he did 6 basic classes and pipe welding are 5th and 6th. So anyway he was called by his teacher that he has a job for him in pipe welding union job for $32 or $35 to start. After 4 years $40-42. Believe me $35/hr is my dream. I wouldnt have to beg for OT.
I lost contact to this guy.
Is this story even true? I mean moneywise.
I started to think to take these 6 welding classes, paid $2100 for them and get this welding certification. Will I find better job? I tried to use carrierbuilder and indeed to look for "pipe welder" jobs and "certified welder" jobs. I didnt find anything closr or interesting, almost nothing really. Where are those jobs then? How can a guy with no exp just school find such good job?
I was thinking that maybe I can find this good welder job and asked somebody who is hiring there how to be hired and what certification i need to start.
What do you think? What do i do wrong?
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Trailer-tech wrote:Hi
Is this story even true? I mean moneywise.
I started to think to take these 6 welding classes, paid $2100 for them and get this welding certification. Will I find better job? I tried to use carrierbuilder and indeed to look for "pipe welder" jobs and "certified welder" jobs. I didnt find anything closr or interesting, almost nothing really. Where are those jobs then? How can a guy with no exp just school find such good job?
Welcome to the forum.
Why not go to the school and talk to the teacher/instructor?

Searching for a job and not finding it just means it may not be open right now, you have to be prepared (certification, resume, etc..) and continue to search so when a position opens you're ready to apply.

Have the attitude that the job isn't going to come to you, you have to seek it out and be ready when it becomes available.

Good luck :)
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If your interested in union pipe welding jobs I would recommend finding the closest United Associaton union hall. Ask about the aprenticeship and about getting (organized) they can give you details and requirements. Area around Chicago falls mostly under Loccal 597. I think. Even here in Iowa Union welder scale is about 37$ an hour on the check. + benefits. Think Chicago is higher yet.
I have more questions than answers

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Czesc Polska
I talked to pipefitter union and unfortunately it is no longer for me. Apprenticeship is 5 years. You start with $19/hr and end up $47.50.
I can barely feed my family and pay my bills with $26/hr.
Im going to keep looking for welder job which can teach me better welding and hire me as i am.
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No it is not true. First year apprentice pipe weldors in Atlanta UA local 72 start off at $12.55/hour and journeyman wage scale tops out at $29.90. That figure will be higher in your area but no company is going to throw crazy amounts of money your way until you have spent time proving yourself and learning the trade.
Everlast PowerTIG 255EXT
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i dont want to argue and i dont want to make anyone here angry because of me. All i need is about the same money i earn here and i would quit tomorrow. If it is not going to happen then i will do what i do.
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It sounds like you are you in Hammond? Ivy Tech has a great college in East Chicago. Instructors are a guy named 'Shack' (it is a nickname, I don't know his real name), and the Program Chair, a guy named Parnell. Both are knowledgeable in local industry, have experience in pipe and teach all processes.

Another option is Moraine Valley Community College, in Palos Park, IL. The head of the program there (as far as I know), is Jim Greer. The instructors out there have a great deal of experience and can advise you and help you figure out what makes the most sense for you to receive additional training.

Pipefitters union 597 is a great deal, but you do have to do an apprenticeship. This means that you will have to endure a year at less than $20 per hour, but in the second year you will be making about $25. Journeymen make $46.05 and hour, which is about 92 K per year, with pension, health and other benefits on top of that wage. But, with the overtime, most of the fitters I know have been making over 100K for the last 15 or more years. You need to figure if there is some way you can survive that year or two, in order to make a whole lot more in years to come. It is a tough call, and there are no easy answers. I understand your problem!

But, go and talk to the instructors at East Chicago or Moraine Park and see what they have to say. Those programs make it easy to get some training while working. The bottom line is, you aren't going to make that huge money without being in a union. Also, there are no more back doors into the unions; third party organizations now control admittance. This is to prevent lawsuits because of nepotism. (Remember, the only thing people hate about nepotism is that they ain't a part of it!!).

Feel free to email me if you have any more questions!
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