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5356 help

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:39 am
by Jonnie Fraz
Okay guys and girls I am trying to get a little help with my 5356 welding. Firstly I am running a Lincoln 350mp with a Python push pull gun. I am welding 2"x6"x 1/4" tubing 6063. The job is going to be anodized once it is done, and I would love to tig it, but time will not allow me to do that.
I am using 3/64" 5356 wire, settings were 400ipm 23v in the synergistic mode. Straight 90 degree fillet weld. I ramped up the start to 24v and left wire feed along because the first 1-1/2" of weld are very cold. Once it gets rolling it flows out fine, but for that first inch and a half it has poor fusion. In a break test I have to beat the hell out of it to fold it over. This is where I can see the incomplete fusion for the start of the weld. Any ideas on this? Also the 5356 seems to weld like crap. Tons of spatter and smoke. Nothing compared to 4043 that I do most of my welding with. The piece is not structural so it will not be tested. It is all ascetic and that is why I am concerned with appearance.
Thanks much

Re: 5356 help

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:04 pm
by noddybrian
Not an expert as I've not run a Cobra in years - but a few thoughts are if there is much smoke there is a torch angle issue ( I always used a very slight push angle - maybe 10 degrees ) or just insufficient flow - I never had anything calibrated back then - but I'd say at least double what you'd Tig with - the wire seems a bit fast for the volts ( should be spray transfer -try backing off the wire speed a bit or at least till there is no hint of globular transfer - only increase if getting burn back ) - but our set up predates synergic - the Cobra torch had a thumb wheel for wire speed which you backed down for start & pushed up as heat built up - one power source could also change volts on the fly with an up & down button - none of this was calibrated so the exact settings I could'nt say ( bit like amps with a foot pedal ) - unless you are sure that the power source & gun are compatible in synergic mode I'd turn it to manual as this maybe making the problem worse if there is a match / communication problem - hopefully someone with more recent experience will come along with answers for you.

Re: 5356 help

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:15 pm
by Jonnie Fraz

Thanks much for the ideas. I mistakenly said Cobra gun It is a Python push pull gun. I use it all the time with 4043 and it runs like a dream. Just the 5356 wire drives me to drink. I guess I just need to monkey with it, and get some more time under the hood.
The Synergistic mode of the 350mp supposedly optimizes voltage and amperage given the wire speed, but I am not certain.

Re: 5356 help

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:40 pm
by AKweldshop
You will have to mess with the settings for quite a while.
I had a PowerMig 300, and when you get that pulse on pulse dialed in, it's sweet.
The arc control setting, if you read on the door chart, regulated frequency and on time.
Just mess with it.
You have a good machine, with a ton of bells and whistles.
Run the wire speed knob with your pinky while your welding.
Is the tip recessed 1/2-5/8inch???
What's your gas Cfh??


Re: 5356 help

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:29 pm
by Superiorwelding
I think I can help a little. I have a 350MP with a Cougar so I think I can get you in the ball park. First what setting is your machine set on? There are separate programs for 4043 and 5356. Second, what is your ramp up set at? And last are you running in spray, pulse or pulse on pulse?

Re: 5356 help

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:48 pm
by Jonnie Fraz
Thanks John! Yep the machine is dumb ass adjustable. I think there is even a setting for microwave popcorn if you look hard enough. We have two of these 350mp's one we have had for ten years. I love how it runs everything else... .035 hard wire, .045, 4043 .035 and .045, just when I run the 5356 it runs like poop and it is cold on the start. With a break test they are way tougher than the 4043, just not
The bummer is the job had to get done so it got done and sent off to be anodized. I want to figure out this wire so if this customer calls again I will be ready.
Thanks guys

Re: 5356 help

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:59 pm
by Jonnie Fraz
Superiorwelding wrote:Jonnie,
I think I can help a little. I have a 350MP with a Cougar so I think I can get you in the ball park. First what setting is your machine set on? There are separate programs for 4043 and 5356. Second, what is your ramp up set at? And last are you running in spray, pulse or pulse on pulse?
Setting is 75 5356 .045 wire. I believe I was running 400ipm at 23volts I set the start for 1.0@ 400 at 24volts to try to get it to dig in. It seemed better with the hot start, but not what I am used to with the 4043 wire. Argon was like 25cfm I believe.
Straight spray setting 75 no pulse or pulse on pulse

Re: 5356 help

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:06 pm
by AKweldshop
Might turn your gas up, 30-40cfh....
Might help get rid of the soot.
Just a thought,

Re: 5356 help

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:02 am
by Jonnie Fraz
AKweldshop wrote:Might turn your gas up, 30-40cfh....
Might help get rid of the soot.
Just a thought,
Cool...I will give it a shot. Do you find the 5356 requires more argon? Any thoughts on start settings to get a little more pen?

Re: 5356 help

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:05 am
by AKweldshop
I'm not sure.
It depends on the conditions.
Sometimes spatter, erratic arc, and soot are caused by to much argon, and sometimes not enough....
Not sure on all the setting.
When I used mine, it was 3/64 .048 5356 Lincoln superglaze.
I had it on pulse on pulse.... No cold starts, and it wetted in nice.
I have some pics, but there home on my computer.
Just keep tweaking the settings...
And you might get a pic of two up.


Re: 5356 help

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 3:47 pm
by Jonnie Fraz
AKweldshop wrote:I'm not sure.
It depends on the conditions.
Sometimes spatter, erratic arc, and soot are caused by to much argon, and sometimes not enough....
Not sure on all the setting.
When I used mine, it was 3/64 .048 5356 Lincoln superglaze.
I had it on pulse on pulse.... No cold starts, and it wetted in nice.
I have some pics, but there home on my computer.
Just keep tweaking the settings...
And you might get a pic of two up.

Thanks much for the input. When I get a sec I will try some of your suggestions. I am also running the Lincoln Superglaze wire.

I will take some pics of my test pieces.