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!@#$ Inspectors

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 1:37 am
by rankamateur
So, I was going to run a job out in CA using E71-T1 as I stated in an earlier post. Got a call today, got a new inspector, and he says I should run T8 unless I feel like putting up wind screens, or having problems with him. Original fella had no problems as long as porosity didn't become an issue. I guess that means I will be needing to certify with Innershield-232 (or33?) this week. We've burned some innershield at the quarries and while it's held up okay, I never liked it as much as SMAW or GMAW.

Playing with assorted rolls of stuff I found laying around the shop (picking up wire tomorrow) I've come up with the following: Upside down "U"s (frowns), don't hold the edges as long as I'm used to with the solid wire, slow it across the middle or end up low.

I got the Bernard self-shielding gun with my eXtreme, but the largest innershield wire I had laying around was .045, so I had to run it through my Roughneck 400. I still need to practice with this gun and with a larger diameter wire, I was thinking .072?

And advice on which wire/size I should use would be appreciated. Any technique advice would be appreciated, as well. I got some great advice on my dual-shield setup, walked through the 3g/4g first go round with it. Thanks for any advice up front!

Re: !@#$ Inspectors

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 11:13 am
by jpence38
I will definitely have to agree with ya on the post title. :D

Is this for the handrail job you were talking about? If not, what type of metal and thickness will you be welding on??

Re: !@#$ Inspectors

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:52 pm
by rankamateur
We have some momentary connections, 5/8" to 1/2" plate. I think I have four joints where the 5/8" will be tying to 3/4". From what I found playing with the T-1, even outdoors in less-than -ideal situations, this seems well within it's capabilities, it is a seismic rated wire, and I am confident we'll be able to get it done with minimal shielding, as I said in my last post, we ran ER70S-6 doing railings not a hundred yards away outside with pretty much no problems.

The good news is, my departure got pushed back by a job in the shop that needs to get knocked out, so I'll have a couple more days to a week to get some more practice before I test. I'm thinking .072 NR-233. Haven't gotten it in yet as it's been coming tommorrow for a couple of days now. Have been playing with a hobart E71T-8 that I hear is similar, and am liking it thus far. Hoping for the best! They've had me taking tests left and right for this job, and I gotta say I seem to be on a winning streak, the longest I've had yet, for sure (I know, nobody else fails tests ever...but I am the rankamateur!)