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Any other HTP Welder owners out there?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:38 am
by HTP-Ted
Just trying to stir some interest in some really great equipment that's out there that I own and to find any others that might be lurking about that own an HTP. I hope this is ok. I'm not a salesman.

Re: Any other HTP Welder owners out there?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:47 pm
by Rbeckett
HTP America has some very solid values in some of their equipment but needs a lot more exposure and experience before it will be considered a match for Miller or Lincoln types of equipment. Every person I have spoken with has a TIG 201 or the Mig in the same range and has had nothing but good things to say so far so it is merely a matter of time and exposure as well as durability that will spaek for itself. Best advice I could offer is an introductory deep deep price cut and accessory sale that spans several media outlets. Couple the good pricing with outstanding shipping and great customer service from dedicated equipment users and not techno nerds and hang on. The major manufactureres are due for a pants down whipping soon and I would like to see a couple of manufacturers get a chance to enter the field and compete. Competition makes all of them stronger and leaner so a good solid entry could be the key to reaping a large benefit from the manufacturers pool of resources. Once a good solid competition is started then the merits of the different equipment at different duty cycles and price points will make it much easier to discriminate the good from the not so good and move on. So good luck to HTP and others for 2012 and beyond!!!

Re: Any other HTP Welder owners out there?

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:32 pm
by moparpoor
I have owned a htp160mig for 13years.It is used daily in a production collision shop with no issues.I would put it up against any compairable machine anytime.Where can you find an inverter machine with the settings and quality for $900.00.I wish I had baught their tig welder!Thumbs up for me!!!