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Hey guys, new here. I have to cut off the piece of the trailer where the hitch connects to, then weld a plate which allows for adjustable height, I will have to weld vertical uphill with 0.35 wire with a Lincoln Electric PowerMig 256. The plate being welded to the trailer is 3/8 in thick, the trailer part is a solid piece of steel, 3/3.5 inches thick width wise. I need recommendations on wire speed and voltage for this application, and wether or not I should use the upside down v weave method to weld uphill. Please help! I will attach a few pictures below. Thanks for your time!
Plate going on the front after excess steel is cut off
Plate going on the front after excess steel is cut off
CE51D6E0-C1C4-4AE2-83D8-760003C2F08E.jpeg (53.37 KiB) Viewed 1361 times
Part of trailer where I have to torch the existing off the front for a flat surface to mount the plate
Part of trailer where I have to torch the existing off the front for a flat surface to mount the plate
126DF006-602F-4C02-8568-E6B978689452.jpeg (60.78 KiB) Viewed 1361 times
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Can't say I've ever welded anything like that, but I'm curious to see the replies. For vertical uphill, Jody says uphill is a "must" using the inverted-V so you can have the arc get the required penetration at the root ahead of the puddle.

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I’d recommend beveling the piece so you can guarantee a full penetration weld.
I have more questions than answers

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I'd preheat the trailer part. It's going to be a pretty big heat sink and the weld will cool pretty quick (relatively). AWS stipulates a preheat and interpass temperature of 225F for material over 2-1/2".
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This is a case where I feel more comfortable welding this with 1/8” 7018 stick rod.
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ZacCarter96 wrote:Hey guys, new here. I have to cut off the piece of the trailer where the hitch connects to, then weld a plate which allows for adjustable height, I will have to weld vertical uphill with 0.35 wire with a Lincoln Electric PowerMig 256. The plate being welded to the trailer is 3/8 in thick, the trailer part is a solid piece of steel, 3/3.5 inches thick width wise. I need recommendations on wire speed and voltage for this application, and wether or not I should use the upside down v weave method to weld uphill. Please help! I will attach a few pictures below. Thanks for your time!
I also will be welding on a similar hitch channel using 0.35 GMAW-G. Is there any technique required different than hard wire like Jody's video? The mounting plate is 6" wide X 3/8" thick. I don't have the hitch yet (7000#) to see how thick the channel is. I can pre-heat the plate. Thinking a hot root pass in the V of the formed channel and 2 cover passes? Not real proficient on vertical uphill yet but cut and etch on some practice pieces are not too bad for penetration. Welder is 250 amp.
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ZacCarter96 wrote:Hey guys, new here. I have to cut off the piece of the trailer where the hitch connects to, then weld a plate which allows for adjustable height, I will have to weld vertical uphill with 0.35 wire with a Lincoln Electric PowerMig 256. The plate being welded to the trailer is 3/8 in thick, the trailer part is a solid piece of steel, 3/3.5 inches thick width wise. I need recommendations on wire speed and voltage for this application, and wether or not I should use the upside down v weave method to weld uphill. Please help! I will attach a few pictures below. Thanks for your time!
I also will be welding on a similar hitch channel using GMAW-G. Is there any technique required different than hard wire like Jody's video? The mounting plate is 6" wide X 3/8" thick. I don't have the hitch yet (7000#) to see how thick the channel is. I can pre-heat the plate. Thinking a hot root pass in the V of the formed channel and 2 cover passes? Not real proficient on vertical uphill yet but cut and etch on some practice pieces are not too bad for penetration. Welder is 250 amp.
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