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What's wrong with this vertical dual shield lap joint?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:32 am
by getherdone
OK I'm confused...had been doing ok with this over multiple projects and plenty of out of position...then started getting this on these vertical lap joints - not laying down well on the lower part of the lap...instead its lumped in a convex bead there...and not fusing in well to the plate on the top part of the lap.e
IMG_8168.JPG copy.jpg
IMG_8168.JPG copy.jpg (76.19 KiB) Viewed 576 times

Even though using the same settings as on this weld on the same project...same simple weave oscillation tracing the front of the puddle:
IMG_8169.JPG copy.jpg
IMG_8169.JPG copy.jpg (81.09 KiB) Viewed 575 times
The same settings used on both also seem to work well (with better results) in the flat position.

I've watched one of Jody's videos on the subject and based on the part 2 tried increasing wire feed speed...didn't really seem to help in this case.

Settings: Generally running about 350ipm, 23.5v, .035 Lincoln 71M, 75/25 gas. Bead area was reasonably clean to start. I've tried going towards 400 and 24v. Any input appreciated...

Re: What's wrong with this vertical dual shield lap joint?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:00 am
by PeteM
For uphill lap joints I slow it down quite a bit to about 230-240 ipm., 23-23.5v and place the arc at the back plate and wash it in to the front (the lap) using a real quick crescent shape with a very slight push. Dual shield digs like crazy and you have to really move forward quickly. No dwelling what so ever, or it lumps up behind the pool.

You can really pour it in on V's and corners because the hot pool wets in really nicely to the walls and the heat is dispersed, but on a lap it will just get crazy.

Re: What's wrong with this vertical dual shield lap joint?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:54 am
by getherdone
Thanks Pete will give it a try next opportunity. Are your suggestions based on .035?

A crescent oscillation tracing the front of the puddle is what I had been doing...not sure if I was spending too little, or too long on the underlying part.

Re: What's wrong with this vertical dual shield lap joint?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:15 pm
by PeteM
Eh, hard to say. I know that keeping an eye and tracing the front of the pool is always a good thing, but to get the hang of bead size/shape on dual shield, I had to keep an eye on the whole pool. Assuming penetration based on the process, its around the sides and back of the pool that I'd watch to gauge wetting and build up. With hard wire its pretty much what you see is what you get, but on dual shield you can get a big surprise sometimes when you knock of that slag. Then after a while, once you have the pace down its just smooth sailing.