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How am I doing so far?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:21 pm
by MK2MR2
Been practicing a lot with my flux core machine and wanted to get some constructive criticism to help me improve.

I repaired my dolly's axle bearing carrier since they sheared right off, cleaned up the paint and went to work.

*Note: The picture with the blue paint, my niece unplugged the machine twice while I was working (little jerk) so it looks a bit "wavy" since I had to keep restarting. Set machine to highest voltage setting, thickness was 12 gauge steel and using Lincoln NR-211 0.35 wire.

Let me know how I did, please any tips you can send my way would be very helpful!




Thank you!

Re: How am I doing so far?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:38 pm
by homeboy
I am wondering if you were in an uncomfortable position trying to control the gun. I always find it a bit tricky to get positioned for a circular weld. I get comfortable to do a section of bead without moving my body -clean the end of the bead with a wire wheel -move for the next section - restart and repeat as required. I really don't know how other people do it but it seems to work for me. Try anti spatter spray -it seems to make the weld a bit smoother and cleanup is a breeze. It doesn't need a lot -just dampen the area for a few inches around the weld. Good luck :P