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Just wondering if anyone could give me some tips or weld settings
For mig welding copper. Thanks in advance
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I would like to suggest you some tips regarding MIG welding with copper, normally MIG welding is the awesome process of using electricity to melt and join pieces of metal together. MIG welding is sometimes referred to as the "hot glue gun" of the welding world and is generally regarded as one of the easiest type of welding to learn. If you interested to learn more things about MIG welding, check out our blog page.

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davidally wrote:Hi,
I would like to suggest you some tips regarding MIG welding with copper, normally MIG welding is the awesome process of using electricity to melt and join pieces of metal together. MIG welding is sometimes referred to as the "hot glue gun" of the welding world and is generally regarded as one of the easiest type of welding to learn. If you interested to learn more things about MIG welding, check out our blog page.

That seems as usefull as teats on a boar...

How is your tumblr on aluminum repair going to help with a "MIG on copper" question?

BTW, I've never heard of MIG on copper... Love to see it. It can be TIGged.

Steve S
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This guys posts and answers set my BS alarms going.

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Yeah, Mick,

I have yet to see either a particularly productive post I can commend him on, or a particularly useless post I can gripe about. He seems to stay in the middle, neither producing nor offending.

I've not figured him out yet.

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Thats it. No offence to Dave, but we have deat with some smart "machines" that seem like people but then turnout to be bigbrother. lol
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I have never myself welded copper with the MIG process, but it can be done. MIG welding copper falls under AWS A5.7/A5.7M:2007, Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes. I looked up some info and wire to read over. Enjoy.
welding wire
http://www.fastenal.com/web/products/de ... hout=false
http://www.weldingsuppliesfromioc.com/c ... l-csdeo-2f

copper and copper alloys
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Thanks for that, Jonathan,

I'll have to take some time to review those links, as I'd never thought of copper as a candidate for MIG.

Steve S
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I have a friend that has a full spool of copper wire he got in a large wire purchase, will have to see if he is willing to get rid of it and I will give it a go.
Being the nut I am, I spent more time researching MIG welding copper and welding copper in general. Here are a few links you might enjoy, although you may want to set aside a weekend to digest them all. Enjoy.

http://www.copper.org/publications/pub_ ... /a1050.pdf
http://www.copper.org/applications/mari ... lloys.html

Rick Pickford's YouTube channel has videos he directed on welding copper-nickel that are interesting as well.

Data sheet for deoxidized copper
http://www.matweb.com/search/datasheetT ... num=MCUAAI

And finally for interest, a thread from I Forge Iron.
http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/2423-mi ... ng-copper/
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