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Hi guys I have one of these machines same as a HTP pro pulse 200.

The issue I have is a stuck open solenoid valve. And its NOT the valve itself.

I can remove the wiring connector and turn the valve off and on by touching the terminal on the connector on the valve so that tells me straight away the valve is functioning properly.

Stel told me its the display/control board and I need to replace it... well fair enough IF they would sell me the bloody board!!!! They tell me they only sell via distributors.... Well that would be fine too if I could find one willing to sell me the part!!!!

Im in NZ and purchased the machine off an italian ebay vendor.... I know! But that seemed to be my only option for getting one of these at the time (three years ago so out of warranty).

I have contacted the vendor and the manufacturer no reply from the vendor yet and they hung up on me I suspect due to language barrier so I wont hold that against them yet. As said stel told me need to replace display board part number = 613595 Logic front panel

So atm im getting nowhere with these clowns and im getting pissed off about it.

So today I started investigating further. I have found with the machine turned on what appears to be a SMD schottky type diode is getting extremely hot thats right next to the solenoid connector on this logic front panel board.... So im suspecting thats a dud.

With a magnifying glass I can see: S658 written on this two pin chip but havent been able to identify it via google.

I have attached some pics of it its below the white six pin connector the little black rectangular shaped piece.
DS12 in the pic:



Anyone got any ideas on the manufacturer of that diode? Im not an expert on SMD devices im just guessing its a diode.

The diode does actually seem to test ok with my multimeter. .0238 one direction and 0 the other. So my guess is its something else now.
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probably there to suppress back emf off the solenoid. its basically a diode.

i'm taking a guess thats its hot because some high voltage is leaking into the solenoid circuit.
so possible a voltage regulator or support component is crook.

really need a pic of the back of that board.
tweak it until it breaks

Pic of the back. Need to remove the display?

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Why don't you reach out to Jeff at USA Weld. I am pretty sure they are the US distributor for HTP and from all reports, they are top shelf for service and repair. He may well be willing to help you accurately diagnose and sell the replacement parts. Sure, shipping will be right pricey, but if you get what you need...

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Why don't you reach out to Jeff at USA Weld. I am pretty sure they are the US distributor for HTP and from all reports, they are top shelf for service and repair. He may well be willing to help you accurately diagnose and sell the replacement parts. Sure, shipping will be right pricey, but if you get what you need...



I did email HTP.

He told actually told me to go through stel initially then in a second reply told me to go through the dealer I purchased the machine from.

So im a bit baffled by all this. I bought my alloy torch off HTP after purchasing the machine so I really dont get it theres no dealers down here so its not like he's stepping on anyones toes.

This is his copy pasted response:
"I would recommend you purchase the part from the dealer you purchased the welder from."

I might try emailing him again and explaining the situation.... Again.

Its the weekend in italy now so I guess I got to wait until tuesday to check the dealer I purchased the machine off in italy doesnt respond.
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austingtir wrote:Pic of the back. Need to remove the display?

unfortunately the bit is at the far end out of focus and the tracks probably go under the screen.

if don't have luck with the overseas guys try the repair crowds here. we do get a fair few Italian brands so they may have contacts.
tweak it until it breaks
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If you need, you can have USA Weld ship the parts to me, I will ship them onwards to you. Might be they don’t want to muck about with Customs Declarations etc. I’ve got heaps of mates in Oz and a few Kiwis that I’ve had to do this for. No worries.
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Why not try another dealer in Italy or another nearby country?

Try emailing Jeff @ Equipcentre: Info@equipcentre.co.uk

also check out https://weldingcompany.eu/equipment/ste ... ig-221221p

Dealer finally got in touch with me. Claimed the emails were going into spam folder...

421Euro later for the board + solenoid and ship and I might be back in business in a couple weeks.

Pretty miffed about it all but it is what is I guess.

Thanks for everyones help on here though.
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It's a shame companies have to beat you up so bad on component repair costs, but I think it's become std operating procedure for all big business. Like a game of one-ups-manship to see who can put the boots to the customer the most without going under. For example I just last week had a vendor ship an item to me collect ups and it was 5# overweight. The ADDITIONAL surcharge for that was $937, and the fee to charge me the $937 was $56.xx. So $993.xx extra, and only $993 because I get an "Incentive Bonus" that reduced it $275. :lol: They did remove the charges since they never delivered the package anyway (I had to go get it). I understand that the vendor shipped an overweight item, but gmafb...
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getting parts here can be expensive.
i had a battery drill die. a new board for it was almost the price of the drill.
the silly thing is i ended up buying a different brand replacement drill and a few other tools which use the same batteries.
so their overpriced part cost them quite a sizeable sale.
tweak it until it breaks

So yeah installed the board and solenoid and im away again.

To my surprise the board they sent INCLUDED the display so I guess I hope I have a spare one now (hope it works with the newer circuit board) but that somewhat explains the price I guess. Looked like a few minor changes to the board just capacitors and that really couldnt see any major design changes other than on the display ribbon cable the fine circuitry on that looked different.

It appeared to me that when discussing it with them they seemed to suggest the solenoid itself could of been the cause of the issue in frying something on the board and they insisted I purchase the solenoid as well as the board but I have no way of telling. As said previously the solenoid did "appear" to work fine just removing and reinstalling the connectors.

The new solenoid WAS a different brand but both were made in Italy.

Might be worth keeping in mind for other people if they have similar issues on their pro pulse machines etc.
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Good to hear you got it fixed with your original vendor. I hope mine never go out!
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