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She's a big momma...

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Oscar, is this yours?
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Yes sir, took that pic today in the afternoon after I pulled it out of the cardboard box in my truck. :D

Here it is next to my Invertig 221 from different angles for a size perspective.




Like I said, she a big momma.
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Does is have a nice display like the 200?

Is the drivetrain metal or plastic?
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Quade wrote:Does is have a nice display like the 200?

Is the drivetrain metal or plastic?
The display is the same 8 in² color LCD display as the PP200.

My phone camera can't capture both the display and the ambient light, so here is the camera focused on the display

The drivetrain is composed of both plastic and metal parts. It is the 2x version from the PP200

Considering they're still selling out of the PP200 at an alarming rate (been out-of-stock since Nov '17, every unit to hit the US shores has been pre-sold), I'm not worried about it not being "all metal". My Millermatic 211 was all-metal and I had issues with that thing. I know that any issues, HTP will stand behind their stuff 120% just as they always have. That's why I went this route and not Linky, or Baby Blue, or any other popular color, lol.

First bead I ran with it earlier today, only adjusting the run-in speed and the pinch. Just tacking them up it felt "weird", but I think it was because I wasn't used to MIG welding with a recessed tip, which is what it comes with stock (there is an extended tip holder to have it flush that I will purchase later). None the less I still ran the bead and I think it came out real nice! Toes wet'ed out nicely and the center had just a smidge of convexity the way it is supposed to. There was just a tiny bit of spatter, but I had not played with the Inductance control. This was on 1/4" steel, on the 0.030" wire synergic setting on the high-side for 0.236" material thickness. 665ipm and 28.2V, pushing the puddle. The clouds started to form and I could smell the humidity in the air, so I closed up "shop", so tomorrow I'm gonna continue and test out the stick welding mode.




Oh, and that was with a brand new 30lb spool of HTP 0.030" ER70S6. I have to say, I had not used it before but I really like how it turned out. 30lbs for $50 shipped, well let's just say my LWS would not be able to compete with their overseas wire even if they wanted to.
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Looks like a good machine.
I have more questions than answers

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    Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:57 pm

Thanks for the reply. This is a bit more than I paid for my Lincoln 350 mp but the controls and display on this HTP looks much easier to use.
My Millermatic 211 was all-metal and I had issues with that thing.
I have a 211 too. The 211 never seemed to feel as consistent as the 350. I still use it for some projects but 350 just gives a more solid experience. There's no guessing about wire feed or power. It's always consistent. The Pro Pulse 200, seems like a big step up from the 211. It'll be interesting to hear if you feel much difference (other than the power) between the 200 and the 300.
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Quade wrote:Thanks for the reply. This is a bit more than I paid for my Lincoln 350 mp but the controls and display on this HTP looks much easier to use.
My Millermatic 211 was all-metal and I had issues with that thing.
I have a 211 too. The 211 never seemed to feel as consistent as the 350. I still use it for some projects but 350 just gives a more solid experience. There's no guessing about wire feed or power. It's always consistent. The Pro Pulse 200, seems like a big step up from the 211. It'll be interesting to hear if you feel much difference (other than the power) between the 200 and the 300.
That Pro Pulse 200 is said to have been out-of-stock since Nov '17! They told me every single unit has been pre-sold before the shipment hit the US shores! That helped me to decide to just go for the 300. Me personally, I really liked the 211 inverter, it had a reeaaallll smoooth arc on the Auto-set. I hardly ever had to resort to manual settings. I can already tell the 300 has a different feel but I attribute that to A) the gun having a ~3/8" recessed tip that I'm not used to, and B) lots more settings to tinker with. Just like TIG welding, I'm sure that once I have it tweaked, it will totally kick ass.
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Congrats Oscar. That is one hot & smooth bead.
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Sweet set up Oscar- HTP has a load of Pro Pulse 200's without a waiting list for the first time ever now. Im doing a new Video on You Tube now on the HTP 200i Easy Set that will compete with the Millermatics.

I wanted to ask you, Do you know what size fitting they use for the gas connection? I want to make an adapter for my Invertig 221 so i can use my RH 5/8 gas connection and still use it with my Dynasty 210 as well. I cant seem to locate what it is anywhere. I think its a M10x1.25 but Im not sure.

That Pro Pulse 300 is on my list however HTP has something in the fire right now that i am waiting for. Any help on the gas connection size would be awesome.

Thank You
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[attachment=0]200i 2.jpg[/attachment][attachment=1]200i 1.jpg[/attachment]

Oscar check out these bad boys HTP Pro PUlse 200 with Apmprage slider for aluminum hot starts and crater fill and The all new HTP Easy Set 200i which will put the Millermatics out to pasture.
200i 2.jpg
200i 2.jpg (80.94 KiB) Viewed 4054 times
HTP 200i Easy Set SMASHES MillerMatic 211
HTP 200i Easy Set SMASHES MillerMatic 211
200i 1.jpg (124.89 KiB) Viewed 4054 times
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Sorry, hadn't seen this. Nice machines for sure!. I'll double check the gas fitting. Miller will have the Millermatic 220 out soon, so that is gonna be serious competition with AC TIG included.

Oh and I know about that fire. I'm the first in line for my serving. ;) I might take it, might not. Got some other things brewing on the stove at the moment.
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Is that the new Multi Welder coming out for Miller? i hear they are coming out with a AC/DC Multi Process but i hope its not in the Miller 215 frame im not a huge fan. I cant wait to see what it is. I have a Dynasty 210DX and a HTP 221 Invertig if its good enough i might sell one and get it. i want the PP 300 next tho. You liking it?
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Oscar wrote:Sorry, hadn't seen this. Nice machines for sure!. I'll double check the gas fitting. Miller will have the Millermatic 220 out soon, so that is gonna be serious competition with AC TIG included.

Oh and I know about that fire. I'm the first in line for my serving. ;) I might take it, might not. Got some other things brewing on the stove at the moment.
The new MultiMatic 220 is their multi-process box, with AC and HF. Early reports are that it is comparable in size to the MultiMatic 200, larger than the 215.
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WeldingJunkie wrote:Is that the new Multi Welder coming out for Miller? i hear they are coming out with a AC/DC Multi Process but i hope its not in the Miller 215 frame im not a huge fan. I cant wait to see what it is. I have a Dynasty 210DX and a HTP 221 Invertig if its good enough i might sell one and get it. i want the PP 300 next tho. You liking it?
Yeap, it's bigger than the 211/215 case for sure, maybe, lol. The PP300 is awesome. Been raining a lot here lately so not much chance to work on projects, but it's really neat. I love the fully adjustable pulse on stick welding. You can use any stick electrode to fill in large gaps, like if you were squeezing the trigger on a MIG gun. Just gotta dial it in, and you can do a whip-and-pause, but without the whipping away. It's really neat. I was using it on Excalibur 1/8" 7018s and some other cheapie 7018s and it works great as well. It's actually kinda like TIG welding--the arc stays on to keep the electrode lit, but no metal transfer occurs until the next welding pulse comes along and the current breaks that threshold and then the bead is deposited. Unfortunately there are no preset settings, just as how TIG welders do not have preset Pulse functions. The settings are adapted to each electrode diameter, and each situation.
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Finally got around to setting up 92/8 Ar/CO2 (even though I didn't really need it given that this baby goes up to ~40V), and it made dialing in things easy. Playing around with full manual double-pulse on 1/4" steel. Just like TIG pulse, lots of control to be had in the arc characteristics.

Slight push angle. No weaving, no patterns. Just pull trigger and move, with slight pause on pulse peak. Full manual control of pulse parameters:
Pulse frequency (Hz, PPS)
Duty Cycle (%)
Motor Percent (equivalent to "% base current" in TIG Pulse).


And a different run with slightly different settings.

Man this spray transfer stuff is HOT! :o
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