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Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:02 pm
by Michaelray
I'm new to tig welding and I know next to nothing, found an arc pig and the person who owned it said it was the best deal and worked like a dream. I have a miller shopmaster 300 and for the price on ebay for the pig I took a gamble. I really don't even know if my machine needs it or if it may be beneficial for me. All I know about my machine is how to mig and stick with it. Just looking for opinions or info. Thanks

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:53 pm
by LtBadd
Michaelray wrote:I'm new to tig welding and I know next to nothing, found an arc pig and the person who owned it said it was the best deal and worked like a dream. I have a miller shopmaster 300 and for the price on ebay for the pig I took a gamble. I really don't even know if my machine needs it or if it may be beneficial for me. All I know about my machine is how to mig and stick with it. Just looking for opinions or info. Thanks
What's an arc pig?

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:30 pm
by Michaelray
It's a hf and continuous ignition all wadded up inside a tube, goes in line with your torch leads

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:30 am
by MosquitoMoto
I have learned something today.

I have always thought that the one thing missing from Tig welding was the smell of frying bacon.


Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:02 am
by Coldman
Actually we used to have that smell quite a bit until someone invented the tig finger...

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:25 am
by Rick_H
Coldman wrote:Actually we used to have that smell quite a bit until someone invented the tig finger...
LMFAO....if that ain't the truth brother!

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:53 am
by Michaelray
Thought this may be a better forum but apparently not...just more ignorant assholes with stupid replies

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:11 pm
by GreinTime
Michaelray wrote:Thought this may be a better forum but apparently not...just more ignorant assholes with stupid replies
Actually, none of us are ignorant asshole, we just want to see what you're made of before giving you any valid information. You've proven your point. If you could figure out how to use the search function (which, if you can make an account, you can use the search function) you'd see that it has been discussed multiple times, and used by a few members here.

So kindly refrain from you're douchebaggery, and you might actually learn something!

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:12 pm
by ex framie
Suck it up princess, dry your eyes.
There's an old saying you catch more flys with honey, you blew it on your third reply above.
I was unaware of what an arc pig was until this post, so your presence here isnt a total loss.
Try some patience and some manners, seems to work for everyone else here, or do you feel your "special".

Arsehole mode now "off".

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:40 pm
by Michaelray
I asked a valid question and just get jokes for replies...didn't know most of you people had to sucks each other's dick to be's all good though, I'm out..I'll figure it out like always and keep my findings to myself and true friends.. so type whatever you want, I'm not coming fact print it roll it and stick in your ass...hate it for the genuinely good people here because seems like mostly snobby know it alls with no real might be a welder but that's all you'll ever be to those who replied earlier to this

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:07 pm
by ldbtx
Michaelray wrote:I asked a valid question and just get jokes for replies...didn't know most of you people had to sucks each other's dick to be's all good though, I'm out..I'll figure it out like always and keep my findings to myself and true friends.. so type whatever you want, I'm not coming fact print it roll it and stick in your ass...hate it for the genuinely good people here because seems like mostly snobby know it alls with no real might be a welder but that's all you'll ever be to those who replied earlier to this
Will Rogers never met you, did he?

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:37 pm
by Otto Nobedder
That went south fast.

Not one of you said, "welcome," and tried to answer the question. No one directed him to the "hello" page.

This is not our usual behavior.


Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:05 pm
by MosquitoMoto
Otto Nobedder wrote:That went south fast.

Not one of you said, "welcome," and tried to answer the question. No one directed him to the "hello" page.

This is not our usual behavior.

We chimed in with jokes, (which I started...sorry...) that I hope at least seemed reasonably warm/playful/friendly, although granted, it wasn't very helpful. Actually thought it would fire up the post and result shortly thereafter in wise folks chiming in with advice as it usually does.

I could certainly understand a reply from the OP along the lines of "That's great fellers, but some helpful info would be nice" or whatever, but the instant and vitriolic "ignorant assholes" to me was the equivalent of accidentally bumping into someone in the pub and being immediately thanked with a head butt to the bridge of the nose.


Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:03 am
by dirtmidget33
When I seen this I remembered the designer of the arc pig was on the board talking about it. ... =24&t=3092

Sucks he got pissed sure the designer would've answered his questions. Just a note about search function if you type arc pig in the search it doesn't come up with anything. I have found three letter word searches don't work with most forum searches don't know why someone else might know. Unfortunately he didn't really give members a chance to answer him, not all of us get on here every day. I know I have not been active for the last few months been busy doing other things. (When I hear Arc pig always think of the movie R.E.D. where he gets out the PIG don't know why)

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:41 am
by Rick_H
Wow...that went wrong. I finally had time to look the Arc Pig up, interesting but I'm undecided on the need vs cost. I started on a scratch start TIG aluminum, really thought me how to weld...then when I tried the newer tech I was spoiled.. Lol

Fwiw- I find this site full of down to earth, real guys, all experience levels, ready to reason I joined after lurking and participating of that "other" forum.

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:01 pm
by Otto Nobedder
I don't find fault with anyone's reply. The fellow apparently hadn't read the forum enough to know what to expect.

I do try to keep the joke back to the second paragraph in a reply, just so a newbie knows we'll take him seriously before we bust his balls...

Steve S

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:17 pm
by Braehill
I actually went so far as to look up his welder's manual to see if he actually needed to use an Arc Pig and when I got back the sheizen had already hit the fan. It seems his machine is an AC/DC- CC/CV machine without HF and it might be beneficial to him if the price was right.

Oh well, I don't think it's going to cause a mass exodus, but not our best showing no doubt.


Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:32 am
by AFR_Autoworks
If it makes anyone feel better I had no idea what an arc pig was. I also did not get the impression anyone was being snobby or rude.

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:43 pm
by mcostello
Ya must have thick skin to get along with people in real life, so does it mean Ya need thick eyes to read replys on the "net? :shock:

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:08 pm
by noddybrian
My take on this is most new members will have previously lurked long enough to get a feel for the forum & a little joke / banter / off topic is normal & to be expected - even if " welcome Mike " had given his customary greeting - to assume as a newbie your going to get instant answers on a quite obscure & questionable product that few members will have seen or had time to read the post without having contributed anything is a sign that he's not that great a person - the fact he went " postal " before anything could be done about it says it all - he does'nt appear to have come back & in my opinion no great loss - most members here have a great deal to offer each other & get along fine - posts like this just bring the forum down & as a newbie with 1 post I would have warned him about attitude straight off if I was a moderator - or maybe that's just me ?

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:14 pm
by ldbtx
AFR_Autoworks wrote:If it makes anyone feel better I had no idea what an arc pig was. I also did not get the impression anyone was being snobby or rude.
I'd never heard of the device either. Had time this morning to go to their website and check it out. My TIG machine has HF and I don't have trouble starting an arc with a stick electrode, so I guess I don't need one. But I will say that the company does have a healthy sense of humor. The website is a great read. Lots of smartassery there.

I'm with everybody else here. I don't think there was any intention to be rude to the guy. This is a fun crowd and we generally don't miss a chance to enjoy ourselves with a few quips. If the OP is that thin skinned I don't see him doing well at all on the average welding or construction job site. If he'd hung around and acted like a decent human being I'm sure he'd have gotten some good info.

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:19 pm
by thorthemighty
I own an Arcpig but I can't say how well it works because I have never hooked it up. I bought it for my Bobcat 250 to get into tig but haven't found the time to set it up...anyway I intend to get a standalone tig welder. I been looking at the new
Lincoln square wave 200 but there aren't any reviews on it cuz it's too new.

I'm a newb but I think y'all are funny and thought there was no harm in the answers ya gave to that feller with instant azzhole attitude.

I am a member of many forums I just don't often participate mostly I like to use them as a form of research. However I do get a kick out of the give and take especially between longtime members it demonstrates a camaraderie something I am very familiar with being a Mil Vet...we always give/gave and got each other grief but in a friendly way.

Jody if ya are listening I wouldn't mind a review on that Lincoln square wave sometime's price currently at $1400... Seems reasonable and something to give the chicoms a run for their money on.

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:47 pm
by Bill Beauregard
Somewhere I've seen a video advertising this miracle. It seemed like one of those infomercials they show on TV in the middle of the night. If it is HF, How well will it work without a control?

Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:32 pm
by Braehill
I've managed since 1982 with Start, Continuous, and Off.


Re: Anybody tried and arc pig??

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:04 am
by Bill Beauregard
Braehill wrote:I've managed since 1982 with Start, Continuous, and Off.

Scratch start?