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    Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:53 am

Hi All,

I want to order custom aluminium frame for my new bike. What I found is that everybody says that welding aluminium frames are so difficult.

As I'm not in the welding industry, can you explain why it's so difficult and why there is just a few places where you can order such custom frame?

Is it a problem in welding itself or rather lack of knowledge how to design frames?


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There is a gentleman on this forum, Mike Zanconato (http://www.zanconato.com/#splash-f4da1) that welds custom frames and has been very helpful sharing his expertise in welding aluminum, steel and titanium frames.

check his site out. maybe he'll respond in this thread.

As an outsider, it seems that the time involved and training/skill required and the low volumes just doesn't make it a very lucrative field. The people that do it seem to be very passionate about it.

As far as, is it hard?

Ugly but sound weld- not hard
pretty but weak weld- not desirable
aesthetic AND sound weld- not so easy

Hope this isn't a troll...
Artie F. Emm
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    Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:53 am

Welcome, Tom!

I think I read in another of Zank's threads that aluminum frames must be heat treated after the welding, and if I do recall that correctly it may add another layer of difficulty in building a frame. But if I may ask, who is the "everyone" that says aluminum is difficult?

I notice you've used a British spelling of the metal in question. Just for curiosity, are you in the UK, and could that be limiting your choices of providers, for some reason?

You can see some of Zank's work in this thread, too:
http://forum.weldingtipsandtricks.com/v ... &start=460
aka "RTFM"
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    Tue May 13, 2014 5:22 pm

I used to ride aluminum mountain bike frames made By Gary Klein and other made by Gary Fisher unfortunately they are no longer available were great bikes, but there are still manufactures out there. I know other riders had problems with some frames stress cracking after several races. I can't remember names of the manufacturers that cracked. The aluminum after welding is no longer the same temper at the welds and heat effected zones so the whole frame has to be heat treated if they want to maintain same strength threw out frame. The same way CanAm cars and Indy cars in 60's with aluminium frames where done. There where a few aluminum racecar frames that got scrapped after being heat treated cause they warped during the process.
why use standard nozzles after gas lens where invented. Kinda of like starting fires by rubbing sticks together.
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    Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:44 am

I don't think it's harder. It's just different. There are a variety of reasons some builders stay away from aluminum. The most common is that a lot of builders have DC only welding machines. Welding aluminum requires AC welding current (speaking in generalities). Some guys choose not to because they are just more comfortable with steel or titanium. There are some other requirements such as heat treating that some builders just don't want to deal with. I think it just comes down to guys build with the material(s) they are comfortable with. I hope that helps! Good luck!
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    Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:53 am

Thanks a lot for all answers. I'm impressed that I got all info from not one but few of you. Zank work is impressive indeed.

I'm living in Norway but finally I've ordered frame in Poland. I haven't check custom frames in Norway because I'm sure price of such work will be incredible.

I will post my frame details once I will got it so maybe you can say a word about quality. It will be painted but maybe some details will be visible for you guys.

Once again thanks a lot for all kind answers.


Artie F. Emm
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    Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:53 am

Have fun on your new bike! I've got to start riding again.
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