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Using Aluminum Bronze on aluminum

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:39 pm
by concrete guy
New to the forumn but reader of the site for quite awhile. Great stuff.

Here's my problem to solve.

I have a cast aluminum head the was originally fitted with bronze seats. In it previous life before I aquired it the bronze seats had been removed and hardened seats put back in. Because of the design of the head hardened seats are not a good thing but I will not get into that. The original seats were poured. There was a recess that was cut in the head that formed what you may call a tang/shoulder to retain the seat while going through heat cycles.

My first thought are to repour the seat with cast aluminum bronze. Upon thinking a little more I was wondering if I can flow aluminum bronze rod with my tig and just build it up to create a new seat? Am I way off base??

Re: Using Aluminum Bronze on aluminum

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:03 pm
by admin
you cant weld aluminum with aluminum bronze. i just cant picture it working.

let us know if it does,

thanks for posting,


Re: Using Aluminum Bronze on aluminum

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:31 pm
by concrete guy
I don't want to bond the two together, I just basically want to fill the pocket with the AlBr to create the seat. I guess I will give it a try tomorrow since my rods just got here from the UPS truck.

Re: Using Aluminum Bronze on aluminum

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:29 am
by jtybt
I'm curious what happened.

Harder seats are generally added to aluminum heads but normally machined to accept seats matched to the type of valve and use.