Tig welding beginner
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:13 pm
New to Tig Welding, I am a hobbiest and I've used and "mastered" other processes. I got some pictures here and was wondering if I can get some little tips.
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forgot to mention, running 0.1s pre flow and 4seconds post flowJuliano_R wrote:I got an eastwood tig 200, I have a 75% co2 argon mix @ 15 cfh and running with a 3/32 tungsten set at 110 amps. The steel is 3/16" and it wasn't cleaned before use. I know that it should be cleaned with a wire brush but I was too lazy to pull out the grinder . However I don't dip the tungsten in the weld pool and it still has trouble keeping a pointy tip.
thats why its all funky and probably why the electrode is looking bad.Juliano_R wrote:, I have a 75% co2 argon mix
with tig you need argon for everything.Juliano_R wrote:I though you needed 100% argon just for aluminium
You might be able to take your C25 tank back, even if its not empty and exchange for pure argon, that way you just pay for the argon and not another tank. My lws says a tank is a tank, you don't have to get what you bring in. good luck!Juliano_R wrote:Alright thanks for the tips, looking forward to drop $250 on an argon tank..
Some people say a rule of thumb for post flow is 1 sec for every 10 amps.Juliano_R wrote:forgot to mention, running 0.1s pre flow and 4seconds post flowJuliano_R wrote:I got an eastwood tig 200, I have a 75% co2 argon mix @ 15 cfh and running with a 3/32 tungsten set at 110 amps. The steel is 3/16" and it wasn't cleaned before use. I know that it should be cleaned with a wire brush but I was too lazy to pull out the grinder . However I don't dip the tungsten in the weld pool and it still has trouble keeping a pointy tip.
You can buy a 125 cf argon cylinder full of gas delivered to your door for free from Amazon. Have done this and was very happy. More than half the price of my LWSJuliano_R wrote:Alright thanks for the tips, looking forward to drop $250 on an argon tank..