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Common Arc test need help.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:39 pm
by wildbill85
Hello all I am taking a common arc test on 2" pipe heavy wall problem right??? Well on this test I cannot move my torch at all I have to dead stick it no walking the cup have to freehand it, problem is on the bottom of my weld I have some questions, I don't know if I should turn my Machine up when I go at the bottom and I'm getting a less than flush bead on the inside, should I widen my gap or just add more rod, btw I have to keyhole this it's for the union

Re: Common Arc test need help.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:46 pm
by kermdawg
You could cheat a little and add the rod from the back side :p but if they wont let you walk the cup I doubt they would like that.