Type of cast stainless would be interesting to know...
A quick google seems to indicated that CF8C and CF8C-plus cast stainless is often used in this kind of high-temp application:
http://www.asminternational.org/emails/ ... 610p27.pdf
Cr 19
Ni 10
Mn <1
Nb 0.8
Mo 0.3
C 0.07
N 0.02
Si 1.0
Cr 19
Ni 12.5
Mn 4
Nb 0.8
Mo 0.3
C 0.1
N 0.25
Si 0.5
So that could be a pointer..
A little further digging for filler rod throws some hints at using inconel 117 filler rod when welding this kind of material to keep the high temp resistance intact:
http://www.specialmetals.com/assets/smc ... /we117.pdf
Although I suspect you'll be fine with any stainless filler rod that's close to the same composition of alloying elements as the base metal.
As to fixing it.. You'll probably have to play 'chase the crack' and grind out and 'V' the crack until it's all gone and you only have intact base metal left. May tunr out that the crack goes a looong way though and the housing is not really salvageable..
If it is OK, then start building up the material again with good gas coverage in short sessions to stop the base metal overheating and once it's all built back up and overbuilt a little have the housing re-machined as it will likely draw and possibly warp the housing a bit during the process and inevitable shrinkage of the welds.
Bye, Arno.