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    Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:49 pm

I recently picked up a Maxstar 200dx & have been pretty happy with it learning to TIG. I wanted a Dynasty 200dx, but couldn't afford it. I've seen a good priced Dynasty 200sd show up locally & was thinking about possibly upgrading.

The Maxstar's are identical to the same model of Dynasty (with the exception of AC) correct?

If I were to make the jump to the Dynasty I'd just be loosing the pulsing & sequencing to gain AC, correct?

In my limited self education so far I haven't found a use for the sequencer or pulsing, but obviously need AC if I get to any aluminum.

Is it worth the effort to try and make the jump to the Dynasty?
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if you were buying new, i would advise you to get a 200dx because you get pulse for just few extra bucks. A lot of folks never use pulse. if you found a good enough deal on the sd, being able to weld aluminum is a pretty huge leap.

i use pulse quiet often, and it helps sometimes... but can honestly say, i could live without it.

thanks for the post,

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