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    Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:38 am
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    Follo, Norway

I have a Magicwave 2200 Job G/F with the TTG2200 Jobmaster GF torch and TR2200F pedal.
It is way above my hobbyist skills, but I bought cheap before and learned to regret it.

Does anyone here know what the balance setting does, compared to other machines?
It is +- a "magic number" that is impossible to relate to a percentage setting that everyone else refers to.
My thought was to hook a scope to it to see. But if asking here brings an answer, it's easier. ;)

One thing that disappointed me was the "Job" function. I believed this could let me have the machine memorize the current settings and then recall them for doing the same kind of job. Well, it does. But the recalled settings will not let me control the amperage using the pedal. Are there any way around this?
I'm not using it as a power source for automated welding, so the Job function have not been of any benefit so far.

The menu system is not as user friendly as rows of knobs, but that's modern life. My telephone have oodles of menus, and Windows change them with every version, so I just sigh and go on. :?
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    Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:36 am

Dear Einar , change what you can accept what you cannot change , with wisdom ( saint Francis )
I have a little stool with wheels so i move around and go to the machine and I do everything manually and I am happy with it .
Concentrate to work and tig rather all these user friendly options that are much time consuming . You can call them trouble options ,if you are looking for perfection is not there available ...
Esenti ...
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    Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:38 am
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    Follo, Norway

Esenti, thanks for your response.

I will respond to myself regarding the AC balance setting. It is in the manual, but buried in one of the figures.
At 0 it is 35% positive, At +5 it is 50% and at -5 it is 15%.
This makes it easier to relate to videos where a percentage is suggested.

My comments on the Job function is to see if anyone corrects me and tell me how I can make it useful for manual welding.
And to alert others that spending extra money on the Job version may not give them what they want.

Other than that it is a very nice machine to use. It is nice to know that if the result is not good it is entirely my own fault. There are examples of other (than welding) machines where I have called upon professional help only to be told the equipment I'm using is the limiting factor.
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    Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:36 am

Einar , apart the bit for cleaning reference -5 t0 + 5 that i dont know your remarks are correct . What i found is at +5 cleaning I am happy . If i lower the cleaning even at 4.5 there is a difference so i keep it always at +5
Usually it is another story when you weld old aluminum and shortly and when you weld new .( usually i make repairs ).
The machine is good and responds well at any manual adjustment .The golden rule between technology and user is not yet found . As Jody have said some time ago , there are people with very old machines that make wonders because their
focus is not lost and concentrate in what they can do with what they have.Everybody dreams a machine that welds as an artist
me too.( Michael Angelo someone that has left a strong mark in history had the same paint- brushes and chisels as anybody else at that time and yet his work is called divine.( Also in every new device there are so many menu and sub menu to user that it is a good question is this all is need it).Happy forth July , I'm Greek but seems an Important day in US.
Esenti .
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    Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:36 am

So a little picture for my friends to show my progress , there is always room for a nice tip .So this time Im trying to find out the best adjustment for my machine , like maximizing its potential . Low or high frequency and what pulse rate duty cycle and
base current keeping the same maximum cleanig action .(Porosity seems to be present at the sides of added new metal piece ) hopping to solve buy trying different pulse rate and frequency . This is my first best sample out of it .I must do something called decent welding sample ...
sample1.jpg (63.74 KiB) Viewed 2142 times
sample.jpg (72.31 KiB) Viewed 2142 times
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