VA-Sawyer wrote:The first label is 309 X .045
The second label is 316 X 1/16"
So, which size is it? .045 or 1/16" ?
It appears to me that the 316 label was put on by mistake.
Winner winner, chicken dinner!
I completely missed that, sometimes having eyeballs on the Internet is more helpful that one would think.
It is in fact .045" filler, and yes, I agree as I have stated above that it would appear the 309/309L label was from Madco and the Praxair label was put on when they did inventory. This was similar to the Tensileweld rod I bought from them, they didn't actually have a part number in Praxair's database so figured out and/or charged per another product. Could be that only 1/16" was in Praxair's systems for 309L, hence the 1/16". Irony of this is that I really wanted 1/16" filler, but the choice was .045" or 3/32", so I took the .045".
What Josh says makes sense also, the Praxair label has no Heat information on it, although it does say WAHT (I'm guessing Washington Alloy Heat Test or similar).
Oscar wrote:Easy. Science.
Actually that same information is on the label, although I'm not sure how I can stretch it to break, that piece of what you call "Easy." doesn't seem so in the real world. An arbor press might work for that, but I don't have one. I have a come-a-long, but not sure how I would secure it. I'm convinced on the size, good eye VA-Sawyer!
It's all moot at this point, VA-Sawyer solved the mystery. The filler is in fact .045".