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    Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:36 am

The TIG I had went back to the dealer. It really wasn't what I wanted.

The Welpro TIG200P AC/DC is what I wanted but could not be obtained because like everything here, it's made in China and China was not shipping anything. Plus Thailand had a lock-down on all imports.

The shipping has started again and the lock-down has been lifted.

This machine has the ability to save 20 preset programs which will be handy for most of the welding I do. It also has the 2T and 4T functionality.

Unfortunately, it only has a 2 pin control connection. Consequently, getting a pedal is not likely worth it.

I like having the digital readout vs guessing where I’m setting the amps.

Having both the up-slope and down-slope functions will come in handy.

The lessor expensive iWeld TIG200P does have the second connector for the foot pedal. But having to check all the settings every time I want to use it is just not my thing. I like simple.

The machine arrives on Thursday, so in the meantime, I’ve attached a couple of their advertising pics. I’ll be posting actual welds so you guys can advise on what I need to work on.
88A7DFA4-70A7-4ECF-9FF4-55E9BC859699.jpeg (110.45 KiB) Viewed 886 times
527F0B8C-00B0-42EB-B42B-A841AF03A79E.jpeg (48.02 KiB) Viewed 886 times
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imho the ability to save settings is not a big deal for a hobbyist. commercial it would be handy and a lot of the good machines have that. i would have taken the other analog machine and found a foot pedal.
tweak it until it breaks
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    Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:36 am

tweake wrote:imho the ability to save settings is not a big deal for a hobbyist. commercial it would be handy and a lot of the good machines have that. i would have taken the other analog machine and found a foot pedal.
Can I swap out the 2 pin connector for a 3 pin? If so, how? I’m pretty handy with electrical work. Just need to know what to hook up to inside the machine.
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Gunhappy wrote:
tweake wrote:imho the ability to save settings is not a big deal for a hobbyist. commercial it would be handy and a lot of the good machines have that. i would have taken the other analog machine and found a foot pedal.
Can I swap out the 2 pin connector for a 3 pin? If so, how? I’m pretty handy with electrical work. Just need to know what to hook up to inside the machine.
i doubt it. it would think it depends on the board used. if they used a board that has it but simply chose not to put the plug in, you might be able to rig it up. but often in electronics they save a few cents by using a different board or leaving the parts off the board etc.
tweak it until it breaks
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