Hi I’m taking my 3G/4G test next week and I’m so nervous as I’m still unsure how well my practice is going, I’m using
3.2mm 2% Thoriated Tungsten
1.8 mm filler rod.
#7 ceramic.
This is my root
This is my fill.
This is my cap.
I keep getting undercut mainly on the right hand side.
You might be leaning the torch over a little. Straighten it up and maybe dab filler a little more to the right side to fill in what you call undercut. Otherwise you're doing ok. Be confident and don't forget to breathe.
Coldman wrote:You might be leaning the torch over a little. Straighten it up and maybe dab filler a little more to the right side to fill in what you call undercut. Otherwise you're doing ok. Be confident and don't forget to breathe.
...and allow the beads to cool off before you cap it. Too much innerpass temp exaggerates undercut issues. And a sagging root.
Thank you for the advice, I will definitely let the plate cool in between each pass. The advice about breathing made me laugh as you are concentrating on so many things who would think that you would forget to breath lol but I do it almost every time.
This is 4G fill I forgot to take a photo of my root. One problem I’m getting is the filler rod is balling a lot at the end, and I can’t feel my arms lol.
This is 4G fill I forgot to take a photo of my root. One problem I’m getting is the filler rod is balling a lot at the end, and I can’t feel my arms lol.
Balling at the end of the filler rod? If so, you’re short dipping. Jam the rod into the puddle, don’t make the heat melt the filler and draw the addition to the puddle. That will give you lots of problems, and a sure sign is a mushroom at the end of the filler wire.
Thanks Poland308 for advice but I think my problem was what CJ737 said, I was short dipping and allowing the heat to melt the filler rod, I have practiced some more this morning in the 3G/4G positions and as CJ said “jam the rod in” and it has made a big difference.
Thanks Poland308 for advice but I think my problem was what CJ737 said, I was short dipping and allowing the heat to melt the filler rod, I have practiced some more this morning in the 3G/4G positions and as CJ said “jam the rod in” and it has made a big difference.
It may be just the pic and magnification, but that looks to me like alot reinforcement for 3mm sheet metal. Are you sure that's what's called for in the test? Is there a procedure given?
CJ I definitely felt I could pick up the pace but was concerned about going to fast and messing up, but I will definitely increase the speed, thanks for the advice CJ you have definitely helped me a lot.
CJ I definitely felt I could pick up the pace but was concerned about going to fast and messing up, but I will definitely increase the speed, thanks for the advice CJ you have definitely helped me a lot.
Ok, it's 5 mm, I had it my mind it was only 3.
In this case the cap reinforcement is appropriate I would say. Looks to me like you're heading in the right direction.
If you are doing it in 2 passes you might consider 3 faster passes for the test if time permits. The heat affected zone may be less and the cap might be more visually appealing.
Just finished my 3G/4G test, I’ll find out in about 7 days the results. I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous glad a had a couple of days in the college to practice.