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    Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:48 pm
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I know Jody has done some videos on etching aluminum weld joints to get a good look at the penetration, etc. but for I can't find them on the site.

Can someone repeat for me briefly what to polish with and what product to etch with?

Thanks a lot.

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The better the polish, the better the weld will show, however that doesn't mean you have to polish on it until you get to 2000 grit, a few minutes working to finer grits will probably do, also considering the initial saw cut, the better the cut will make getting an acceptable polish faster.

You can use navel jelly, or oven cleaner, there are probably others but I'm not sure what they are
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    Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:13 pm

Roloc discs work well - start with regular grit then work through the scotchbrite grades brown > red > blue followed by caustic soda or anything containing caustic soda - ie oven cleaners / drain cleaners / alloy truck body cleaners / some alloy wheel cleaners.
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naval jelly is phosphoric acid based, and I think it only works on steels. oven cleaner should be the easy ticket for aluminum, unless you find something else specific for it.
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Great. Thanks everyone.
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