hi, my tig machine (a GYS) allow me to switch from hot to cold current and vice versa with a 'tap' on the trigger button.
(from the manual)
short impulse : shift to cold current (%I) short impulse : back to the «hot» current
anybody can tell me how to use this feature? when switch from one to the other?
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It’s a complicated version of pulse. Sometimes called t4. It is the kind of thing you don’t need if your starting out, if you need to use pulse and learn to use it to its full capabilities then you will eventually find yourself in a position to make use of this feature. One example might be if you have a continuous weld where it requires two different pulse ranges, then you could switch between the two as you weld. However most times you would simply stop welding, make adjustments and restart where you left off.
I have more questions than answers
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