Rod Oven- Should have bought one earlier
Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:04 am
Well, this is the story, I've been playing with Stick Welding in my workshop and "yes it is all your fault."
So I have been having problems with porosity in my beads. I finally figured out that it was because of moisture in the rods. I searched High and Low for a Rod Oven but alas, no-one seems to know about them around here, and those that do say "Heck boy ya'll welding in the dark ages, git yerself a Mig"
Well... I HAVE A DAMN MIG I wanted to try something different!!!!
Finally, The welding consumables rep stops in a says to me "Hey I know where you can get a Rod Oven! A fabrication shop down by the old boat yard is closing shop. get in there before the liquidator does."
So into the petty cash and into the car and away we go.
Yeah I bough a Rod Oven and a WAY BETTER Arc Welder.
Now here's the kicker, I turn the oven on set it to 220 degrees and load it full. Leave it for the night
When I came back in the morning there is about 1/2 cup of water all over my damn bench.
The Rods??? DRY AS DRY CAN BE.
Weld Quality? Damn Near Flawless.
Must have steamed that water right out and as it condensed and dripped out of the weep hole at the bottom.
So I have been having problems with porosity in my beads. I finally figured out that it was because of moisture in the rods. I searched High and Low for a Rod Oven but alas, no-one seems to know about them around here, and those that do say "Heck boy ya'll welding in the dark ages, git yerself a Mig"
Well... I HAVE A DAMN MIG I wanted to try something different!!!!
Finally, The welding consumables rep stops in a says to me "Hey I know where you can get a Rod Oven! A fabrication shop down by the old boat yard is closing shop. get in there before the liquidator does."
So into the petty cash and into the car and away we go.
Yeah I bough a Rod Oven and a WAY BETTER Arc Welder.
Now here's the kicker, I turn the oven on set it to 220 degrees and load it full. Leave it for the night
When I came back in the morning there is about 1/2 cup of water all over my damn bench.
The Rods??? DRY AS DRY CAN BE.
Weld Quality? Damn Near Flawless.
Must have steamed that water right out and as it condensed and dripped out of the weep hole at the bottom.