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homemade welder has probs with 6011

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:45 am
by robertnz
until the rod heats up it sticks like crazy until has laid down a couple of inches of weld. 6013 no problems at all. voltage is 40 and amperage is about 110. does 6011 require more arc voltage for stability?

Re: homemade welder has probs with 6011

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:06 am
by jpence38
How old is the rod? Kinda sounds like it may be old or have excessive moisture in the flux. Once you heat it up and dry the flux, it runs better. Who manufactured the rod and what size are you using?? Also, what kind of set-up are you using for the home-made welder. What did you make it out of?

Re: homemade welder has probs with 6011

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:06 am
by robertnz
It was a new box of 1/8 6011 sealed from princess auto, maybe i should have gone with the name brand rod... they are 2 transformers that i rewired from large microwave ovens and outputs strung in series for 40 total output volts. damp flux that sounds kind of right ..put them in an oven perhaps?

Re: homemade welder has probs with 6011

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:37 am
by Ultralow787
Aha! Another Canadian! The "Princess Auto" gave you away. Princess Auto is exactly like Harbor Freight in the US guys!
So, your voltage is 40 open circuit, but what would you get for an arc voltage?
I had a guy trying to run "damp" 7018 rods on his homemade DC welder. He just added a rectifier to his AC buzzbox. It didn't run worth a damn! He ran the same stuff on a proper DC welder and it was decent, even though it was moist. The problem with the DC he was getting, is that it was rough and not smooth or filtered.
You need a lot more than 4 diodes to get proper DC from an AC welder. You need capacitors and a choke coil as well. Personally, I would use it as AC or get a proper DC machine.
I realize this is not the case with you as you are running an AC rod. From what you said, I would try a better quality rod first. A little humidity should not cause you any grief with 6011.