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E6020 Welding rod breakdown.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:22 pm
by Timber Wolf
Been working on this off and on for several days now.

Finally got it done.

Re: E6020 Welding rod breakdown.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:43 am
by Gdarc21
You make some interesting videos, it appears that a camera stand wouldnt hurt you. A bit of off camera prep would be helpful too. I noticed that you are stick welding inside, just keep in mind that those little spatter balls will get under anything and light it up. I personally would do it outside, otherwise just be mindful of fire hazards.
You seem to be a little light on experience and I sort of wondered what you were hoping to offer to viewers, it doesnt seem to be a tutorial and while it seems like a guy taking some people on his welding journey, I was left unsure of your intent.
I personally dont make or watch too many youtube videos. As there is a lot of just noise and no benefit to some of them, regardless of topic. I prefer to learn from maybe 2-3 youtube guys tops, who have a decade or so experience for anything I need tips on.
Welding is a fun and rewarding hobby and I happen to know guys who like it :lol: So good luck with the welding and developing your videos.

Re: E6020 Welding rod breakdown.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:47 am
by Timber Wolf
I weld because its what I love to do. I acknowledge I am a rookie and have much to learn. I'm just kinda sharing what I'm doing as I go. As for indoor welding I have a ventilation fan to remove smoke. Thanks for the heads up tho.

Re: E6020 Welding rod breakdown.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:49 am
by Timber Wolf
I don't see myself as a comparison to or anything.