Stick Welding Tips, Certification tests, machines, projects
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Hi Guys, I have been practicing welding plate uphill with 7018 electrodes recently and hope to test for it soon. I have been using 2.5mm rods for the root and 3.2s for hot pass fill and cap, would this be the correct procedure? The plates are 12mm thick and I leave a 2.5mm gap between them and it is an open v joint. I would appreciate any advice on setup and amperage and should I use stringers or weave?
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Some times I use smaller rod for the last cover pass it's a little easier to keep you welds even and to control you puddle if your feeding it less rod.
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Using 2,5mm for a 2,5mm root gap is the ideal, and 3,2 is just fine for the rest, though it can all be done with 2,5.

I'd suggest practicing both stringers and weaves, as you may encounter either in a field-test for a job, and it would be a shame to bust out for only knowing one.

I won't attempt to suggest amps or technique for a 7018 root, as I've never done it. In the US, it's almost always XX10 root, or GTAW root. For fill and cap with 3,2mm 7018, I've gotten spoiled for a low 105A, because I don't have to change my welder's setting from a (most would say too hot) 3,2mm 6010 root. 115-120A is more common, though. Find what you're comfortable with, but experiment within the middle half of the rod's recommended range, because there's no telling what the WPS for a field test may call out, and you should be versatile enough to work with anything they require.

Steve S
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As mentioned above, its best to know both. I've been told that most places won't allow you to weave but some don't care. For me there's really no other option but to know both and fit the best for the job. If its my option, I would prefer to weave the hot and fill and use stringers on the cover. Just keeps things more consistent for me. For the root, I run a stringer but I do move side to side somewhat to tie into the wall of the bevel and keep it flatter. I use 3/32 for all of it and run 80-85 amps or 110 for 1/8. I'd suggest running a practice one to get your feel and adjust to it.
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