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Kinda gettin it a little more
Kinda gettin it a little more
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Weavins way better than stringers for me
Weavins way better than stringers for me
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atleast today I'm not ready to quit & sell the welder
atleast today I'm not ready to quit & sell the welder
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Hi Guys...So it's been a week of rod burnin..Getin a feel for amps,angle,travel speed,(yada yada)...Got to were I thought I'd give a vertical up plate a try....I'M NO weldor..All I've ever done is watch jody & steve belial...Real stick guys feel free to comment... 7018 hobarts @ 110 on an everlast 160sth...On a rickety a** stand....This freehandin sucks..Next project is a real stand I can lean on..I'm sure thats gona help my beads from lookin like a chicken sh** all over the plate...I already see i like weavin over stringers....REAL weldors jump right in please..Thanks in advance guys...
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Day 1 SU***D
Day 1 SU***D
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Couldn't figure out how to load more pics with original post....So if i'm screwin up..just let me's pics of the first 3-4 days...Yea there fugly....I know...I was ready to quit and admit I'm no welder...but I went back to Jody & Steve...Things got a little better
Here's my stand..RICKETY...gota build somethin I can  prop on
Here's my stand..RICKETY...gota build somethin I can prop on
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Day 2-4 wasn't much better
Day 2-4 wasn't much better
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If you're only a week or two into serious practice, there's NOTHING wrong with any of that.

It takes many people six weeks or more to run a consistent bead on flat plate, much less running beads on a vertical bevel.

Keep at it. You may be a "natural".

Steve S
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I think you are doing fine. Most noobs don't have welds that look like that! Is picture 016 a vertical up? If so, WOW, that is nice for a couple weeks practice!
The only critique I will give you is practice, practice, practice.
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WOW...Cool Guys...THANKS A LOT....Yea 16 was probably the 3rd 5lb box of hobarts..Started on think that was 3-4 days latter...First couple days I was bummin big time...MY little inverter wont do 6010's uphill(probly me) But downhill they work way better..So I ordered some gas & im gona try tign the root on some 6" sch 80 pipe I ordered from triangle..Im wantin to weld pipe so bad I can taste it...If I can figure this plate out..and get my stand built that I can prop on...(i'm to old and shakey to be freehandin) and im sure it shows to REAL weldors..Whats the trick to this guys???? I scored a piece of pipe from a junkyard today..I'm gona give it a shot tomorrow when I get the new stand built...Thanks for your time & comments..You made an ol man feel good....
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You are ambitious! Not everyone jumps right into a 6G. As far as the tricks to it its better to watch videos than try to explain.
From Master Yoda..... ... -tips.html
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As for the 6010 rods and your inverter, again Jody explains best.... ... -well.html
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HAHAHA..Yea SUPERIOR...I saw vid & link...Like i said...The only reason I have anything goin for me is because I've been eatn an sleepin this....I envy you guys with the seat time tho..That root steve showed..I got green with envy..I wana do that too....Do you think 6013 is a viable option for my greenie not wanting o burn 6010's...When I went downhand..6010 seemed to be way more friendly...I was actually impressed..BUT...I ain't in Canada..From what I've seen..HERE, we go the other way...And uphill I cud see the differance big time..It just felt GOOD going downhand...I FELT the rod layin in there and just "diggn an fillin...SUPER QUICK.....I got to 6 oclock in no time...THANKS MAN for your responses to a rookie..It means a lot..really..If I could sit under guys like you & steve and have you chew my a** when I messed up..I just mite learn this with a lot less frustration....LMAO..
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SUPERIOR...I've also seen a guy from cowley college..Bob Moffet...He's tign pipe from an inverted 45 degr angle ..That makes a buncha sense to me..You can look rite thru the gap..My left hand works just like my right..(play hockey & bat left handed) everything else I can do with both my a**..AND in that order mind ya "ofcourse" LMAO...AND this BAT SH** crazy kid from Canada..FieldRes...I've seen everything( a gazillion times) he does...MAN IS THAT KID GOOD....My Gas awta be here in a day or 2...I'll post some pics of that disaster IM SURE..Got some plate tackd up for my ATTEMPT at overhead tomorow....haha..Meanwhile..Thanks again for your time..It's Truly appreciated....Stretch....
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I do not have direct experience with Everlast and do not know how well 6011 would work, but if you can get some I would use 6011 over 6013. I am sure the 6013 will work on your machine. Both will be fine for your practicing.
We in the US also do vertical downs on pipe welding. I am not surprised you got the 6010 to work vertical down, you can get about anything to work going down.
As far as chewing you out if you mess up, I have found this is counter productive. I mess up just like the rest of us :o
You have the same problem I do, we both live and breath welding.
I am backing Steve S on this, you might be a natural after all!
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Ive seen qualified welders that cant stick weld like that....

The only point ill make is in the vertical butt weld, where you have 2 runs with deep grooves on each side, maybe next time try for 3 runs in that same space. Washing them on to the walls and each other more. Because as it stands now, those deep grooves will be hard to fuse all the way, with out a lot of grinding. (which some places dont allow. ) Keep up the good work.

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The new junkyard welding stand
The new junkyard welding stand
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Well Steve,Jonathan...My pipe didn't come today soooo..I had time to rat around the junkyard for more metal goodies...( I'm gettin ate up with this) LOL Found some pipe to make another stand..And some 10"-12" for playin pipe welder...It's alot more stable..Im gona live wih this one for a while...Coped the pipe with my little dewalt..Chop sawed the big stuff..The big pipe I gota go cut at my brother in laws shop..He's got torches..SOOOOOO...Heres todays first attempt at pipe welding...Held on to it with my left hand & ran it with my right....By the third one I was feelin a little better bout things....(Even a blind pig finds an accorn every now & then..LMAO...Whata ya think guys????
First attempt
First attempt
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3 rd stab at it...this is he one i liked
3 rd stab at it...this is he one i liked
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To be honest it normally takes weldors a while to be able to wrap a pipe like that. You are doing great. I am beginning to wonder if it is really your second week welding :D
I really like the stand. I made smaller than that with square tube when I was learning, it helped me a lot.
.....Even a blind squirrel gets a nut...never heard the pig one :lol:
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HAHAHA Yea Jonathon....I've burnt bout 25lbs a rod so far in about 8 -10 days....Been a toolmaker/machinist for over 30 yrs...Knowin a little physics & thermal dynamics is helpin me....Not to mention watchin every GOOd welding vid i could find...( bob moffet,fieldres,steve belial & jody....I've been "mentally practicing" for a good solid year...First couple days I was ready to quit..When I go at somethin I'm like a pitbull....All or nothin....Watchin those guys was like goin to school...Now it was time to see what I had learned....I have been weldin cold & movin to slow in my opinion, till the pipe today..When i saw how fast I had to move to keep up with the heat & the way it layd down..The light bulb went on....I could literally lay the rod back & right on the pipe & it did all he work..I didn't have to GUIDE it...The two surfaces were the guides...It felt like GREAT SEX to be honest...IM FREAKIN LOVIN THIS NOW....Thanks for your input J..It means Im sure I'm gona need ALL I can get...Thanks man....Stretch
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You most likely know this from your metal based career but be sure not to grind near your car as the sparks will stick to it and mess it up right quick. (Better to be told something you already know than not to be told at all)

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Sex??? What is this thing of which you speak??
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LMAO....I heard about it in a movie once mick...I,ve been practicin ever since & getn pretty good...Now all i need to do is find a partner....On second thought ???????.....NNAHHHH!!!! Then I'd probly have to shower regular & all that crap.....I'm GOOD me's thinkin....LMAOYOTF...Good one mick !!!!...PS...Yea Mick...that car gets covered good trust me...Remember the good sex comment??? Thats mama's ride...I've got a real aversion to sleepin on the couch bro....haha
Arizona SA200
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Man, I've been at this welding shiz since I was 14 and can tell you you have progressed faster than anyone i have ever seen! I would imagine that your knowledge of metals has carried over from the machinist world witch will help immensely.I went the other way (welder to learning how to machine parts) and knowledge of temps and densities carries over a great deal. You're doing great man.
I stack dimes for a living so i can stack dollars for a paycheck.
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Thanks arizona..really appreciate the props...Yea..When I got to learn toolmaking,thats when the lights went on...I was SOO frickn fortunate to work under the OLD hands..One in particular.Jack Wagner..always use to tell me when I got stuck..."You ain't gona let that piece a metal outsmart your dumb ass are ya...??LOL...I always remembered Jack & his little quips at me..Don't "EVER" take no for an anwser...WE'RE the guys that make those college educated idiots' parents think they didn't waste ALL that money..(talkin bout the draftsmen & engineers) ...So yea..From your kind words...I see jack & others did my dumb ass a world of good...Here's some overhead & ...I don't know what you'd call this other thing..Open root at a 45...welded downhill..Drag..Bout 35-45 dgrs off bottom plate..Kept stakin beads to try & bridge the gap..Had to lay the rod dam near down to keep the slag pushed back..LOL..
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if your having trouble keeping the slag pushed back in the flat position with 7018, you NEED more amps!
Just a couple welders and a couple of big hammers and torches.

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Crazy 45 thing..You can tell i was bored with overhead...LOL
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Oh Hey AK....Actualy I was goin down a 45 draggn a 7018..(bout 125)Just screwin around seein what would happen...I think theres 3-4 beads staked up in that pick.......So are you in alaska???? I'm almost absolutley positive ....I'd FREEZE my ol Fl ass OFF up there....But I did & still do LOVE snow....How bout some pics..ALL I'm seein down here are Blue hairs & sand..lmao...
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Its not bad where I'm at, 4inches of snow and 15F.
Here's the view out of my window
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Just a couple welders and a couple of big hammers and torches.

Men in dirty jeans built this country, while men in clean suits have destroyed it.
Trump/Carson 2016-2024
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That's awesome...I'm jealous of the view..But the temp??? I'd be a popsicle in 10 seconds flat...
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It gets down to 30 below once in a while, with 80mph winds.
Thats cold!!!!
Just a couple welders and a couple of big hammers and torches.

Men in dirty jeans built this country, while men in clean suits have destroyed it.
Trump/Carson 2016-2024
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