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    Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:49 pm

The new Speedglas is a game changer. As good or better than passive gold lenses. If you get the chance to try a new XXi you will see the difference. Imagine a gold 10 passive lens clarity in a ADF. It's better than that.
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I guess we'll see in good time
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weldin mike 27 wrote:I guess we'll see in good time
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How do you like it? I still go to a passive lens for low amp stainless tig. The XXi is my go to hood for stick now.
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I haven't used it yet. We are in high summer here, and its way to dry to weld at home

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I think you are going to love it. Talent is a huge deal but quality equipment can only help. With the XXi I can see much more all around the weld. My stick welds immediately became straighter.
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weldin mike 27 wrote:I guess we'll see in good time
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Put some clothes on you pasty bum!!!

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It's not great, eh...

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ex framie
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Love the greasy finger prints on the wall Mike :D :D
Since a few of you seem to have these is anyone going to do an in depth review?

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    Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:09 pm

Hey Dirtynails,
Dirtynails wrote:I think you are going to love it. Talent is a huge deal but quality equipment can only help. With the XXi I can see much more all around the weld. My stick welds immediately became straighter.
I saw your post and thought I'd ask a question about the 9100XXi. My wife was looking for an idea to make up for a missed anniversary and a couple other holidays, and I had read about the XXi. The price bothered me; but, I'm taking up TIG at an older age (60), and when I began MIG welding I learned how it's almost priceless to get a good view of what you're welding. I know there are guys who do great with less... I'm hoping that the clarify and enlarged viewing area of the helmet will take away one variable.

The question I have concerns a cheater lens for that that helmet. Long story short, all the documentation shows the use of a single 2" tall by 4" wide cheater lens in an older style Speedglas. The viewing window on the XXi is 4" tall, so it's a little confusing trying to figure out how to install it. Not sure if the cheater should be placed at the top, middle or bottom. Or maybe two cheaters should be used.

I contacted 3M and they don't really understand that that there is a difference in the height of the viewing window. Just wondering if you might have some experience.

I've watched a lot of Jody's videos, and ordered a couple of his TIG fingers. His welding sets a pretty high bar. Great site.


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Hi Jeff,

I am in contact with a speedglass rep, Let me contact him and I'll find out exactly the part number you need.

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I use a cheater lense and if I use my speedglas hood (rare these days) I fit it to the bottom half of the viewing window which then becomes a bifocal lense. Close up viewing on the bottom and longer ranger on the top. Tried other combinations but found it confusing.
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    Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:09 pm

Hi Mick and Coldman,

Thanks for the replies.

I received another reply from 3S yesterday afternoon. This time I was told to use the cheater as Coldman suggested... although it wasn't clear where the preferred placement should be (top or bottom).

The comparison Coldman made between the cheater and bifocals makes good sense. I'll locate the cheater in the bottom of the viewing area and see how it works.

Thanks to both or you for your input.

Take Care,

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That's a little disappointing from 3M. If they market a massive lens they should market a cheater that takes full advantage of it. Maybe they don't work that way. Ill see what my contact has to say.

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