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Down hill root & gaps

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:19 pm
by fittn&fabbn
Hello everyone,

This would be directed at Mr. Collier...or i suppose to anyone qualified to provide correct and accurate answers/advice.

New to the forum here. I have a couple of questions which need some clarification.

1st. On the 3G Mig Cert video I notice the root was ran downhill. I am not sure I will be allowed to do this. Do you have any videos showing an uphill root. Is there that much of a difference in the technique?

2nd. At this shop I will be testing at, I know for sure that I will have to have a 1/4" gap. They use 1/4 x 1 self-adhesive ceramic backing, and the beveled edges will be razor sharp and not landed; at least on the beveled edge, that is the way I have always been required to prep all beveled edges for CPJ welds at this shop.

Any tips/suggestions to the technique(s) varying from what you show in your videos?

BTW, your videos are the best I have seen to date of the many upon many I have watched. Can't say "Thanks" enough to you Mr. Collier.



Re: Down hill root & gaps

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:29 pm
by weldin mike 27

Welcome to the forum, Its great to have more people on here.

With your question, To contact Jody directly, Copy and paste it or rewrite it in the CONTACT US option of the menu bar of the main page. He has answered few of my questions and emails that way. Keep in mind how ever, he is very busy and may take a while to reply, if at all.

On your 3G test, I had to do 1/4 inch gap with razor edge. however mine had a permanent back up strip. But I use the ceramic backing every day on other welds. The trick with it is to not hang around with the arc on the ceramic for to long or it will just blast through. I did my root run in a side to side zig zag motion so that the arc hit fresh metal each time i went up.

Good luck,

Re: Down hill root & gaps

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:25 pm
by rankamateur
I've done uphill with a downhill root, it was a while ago qualifying to do some contract welding for a local quarry. To my understanding, the standard D1.1 3G is a 1/4" gap with a ceramic or plate backer. We had to burn in the root, hot, and cover passes uphill. I believe the only reason we were able to go downhill on the quarry qualification test was as a sealer pass more than as a root pass, as we didn't get a backer. Later testers told me they added back-gouging the sealer and filling it uphill from the backside, as well. Guess I should have been glad I got in there early and got the simpler test!

Re: Down hill root & gaps

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 1:59 pm
by fittn&fabbn
Hey guys (maybe gals) :-) ,

Thanks much for your advice/instruction input. I will keep them in mind when I finally (hope) to go didn't land the anticipated work, so hiring was put off for a while. bummer :-(

Anyway, thanks again for the replies.



Re: Down hill root & gaps

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:20 am
by Gabriel Cook
Videos are the best approach which can make you learn your task in an appropriate manner .It not only help people in imparting guidance but also help in solving problems which occur during the task