The Lotos unit, like most of the low cost Chinese clone plasma cutters use a variety of different torches.....they buy the torches wherever they can get the best price. If you post pictures of the torch and consumables....some of us may be able to recognize them and help you locate the best source.
Plasma torch consumables can last a few miliseconds or a few hours depending on the torch, the power supply, the consumables design and manufacturing methods. There are two ways to determine whether your consumables are "cheap". One is if they are cheap to buy, the second is if they are cheap to use. If a set of consumables cost 10x what another set costs, but last 20x longer....then I know what my definition of cheap is!
The set of consumables in my home shop cnc plasma machine currently have over 3 hours of arc time and around 1500 feet of cut on them. They came from the torch manufacturer and cost quite a bit more than the copies from China.
There is a guy named George that specializes in these import plasma's and knows a lot about them, he has a website called . George can probably offer advice.
Thanks Jim. I got to thinking about the torch & you saying they using different torches as you said. So I looked
at the # on torch & was a AG 50. Googled that & bing go. Amazon had several sets a lot less than Lotos.
I read the reviews & off of 30 reply's they must be pretty good . I hope my thread helped some one else.
You guys are the best.