Metal cutting - oxyfuel cutting, plasma cutting, machining, grinding, and other preparatory work.
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I just received, but have not hooked up yet, a Chinese 3 in 1 plasma cutter (about $300). I am a long time O/A user (where the better you cut the less grinding you have to do). I have seen some plasma cutter heads with a wire "guard" on the business end to keep one from dragging the copper tip against the work. Other units seem to have several leaves protruding away from the body to, again, keep one from dragging the copper against the work. Would it be worth while to just trash the supplied handle, and try to adapt an ESAB PT-31 (some one here thought the ESAB might be a replacement torch handle for these Chinese plasma units). AND does that ESAB unit have the wire guard or equivalent protrusion to keep from dragging the copper? And (second AND) if you are capable of electric arc welding (pipe welding school at Aberdeen, MD while in the army) with a consistent short arc, do you even need a guard to keep from dragging the copper. I have to admit that I have never even held a plasma torch so, it may be obvious, I know nothing about plasma cutting.
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    Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:46 am

WerkSpace wrote:Now, I understand the NOTE on my desiccant dryer that suggests to mount it at least 25ft from the compressor. That puzzled me for a while and now I understand that they are simply wanting cooled condensed air prior to filtration. I will make my own intercooler instead.
I see you have the Princess Auto dessicant dryer. How is it working out? I was thinking of getting one.
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Hey TurnAround,

Most plasmas have a setting for "stand off" and "drag" if your cutter is supplied without any of the bits you have seen, it is a drag tip where the copper is meant to be dragged on the metal. If you want to try a different style, be sure your machine allows for stand off, and then only buy parts for that brand. Im not sure if you can change torches, id say no because they dont want you tospend with another company. Unless they are like mig guns with a euro connector where every brand fits regardless.

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    Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:13 pm

The generic Chinese PT31 torch as supplied on most import plasma's up to 40amps is intended to be dragged & as such has a cross shape set of grooves cut into the face to allow some cooling effect & reduce the tendency to stick - I'm told by the UK importer of the Cut 40 machines the life will be improved if these are made more pronounced - I keep meaning to make a fixture to hold them so I can use a bull nose end mill to do this - if you have no mill & want to try I'm told a small chainsaw file works OK - but care must be taken to remove any dross from the hole afterwards - I've never seen a wire stand off for this torch - partly the ceramic shroud is tapered & offers limited attachment area & many plasma's in this class have only HF start & rely on continuity with the work to maintain arc once cutting - if you want to spend £20 " Shop River " has a wheeled guide that doubles up as a trammel that I assume works but the consumables are so cheap for this torch it's barely worth the bother - you can swap torches around to a degree on the imports as most are threaded M16 * 1.5mm or 3/8" BSP which seem to interchange fairly well - in another post someone asked about the suitability of a PT 31 as supplied on a multi-process that featured 50amp cutting & I suggested this was more heat than that torch was good for & he swapped it out to either an SG 51 or 55 ( I can't remember which) he was happy with the results & has much improved cutting depth - depending what amps your machine cuts at this maybe worth while - just remember when ordering consumables there are different nozzle sizes to roughly match your current on some torches ( AG 60 in particular ) - I'd try your machine as supplied first - but " Shop River " has everything you need at good prices if you want to upgrade & the AG 60 does have the wire drag clip available though I'm convinced their a good idea.

Hope that helps.
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