Metal cutting - oxyfuel cutting, plasma cutting, machining, grinding, and other preparatory work.
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Of my many projects, I would like to build a down draft table to use for torching, plasma, grinding and welding. I would like to see if anyone has made one or has some ideas on making one. I know Jody has the series on his down draft, and I would probably would make it very similar to that.
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Heres an idea. Go to Lowes and get one or two of the inline fans that they sell for $25-$30 and use those instead of buying an expensive exhaust system. You cal also get a bunch of the flexible ducting the same size for a few bucks extra. I do this for when I'm in more or less open air conditions but still need to get dust or smoke away from my work area. Prolly not OSHA approved but just a thought.
Be the monkey....
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We must be on the same wave length :D I went to Home Depot and looked at their inline fans. I thing I will use one for a hood in the garage. You are probably right, it might not be OSHA approved at the shop but its fair game in the garage :D
Last edited by Superiorwelding on Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I like the logo!

If you're looking for downdraft JUST for cutting, and high velocities are not an issue, check your local junkyard for a 110V squirrel-cage fan from a mobile-home furnace. You can move a ton of air with one of these on the cheap.

Steve S
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Oops didn't mean to load that logo.

I have a squirrel cage from my old furnace that would probably work and then some.
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    Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:09 pm

@nickn372 I did the same thing on my kitchen exhaust, several fans in series work very well! It's all about keeping the air speed up! I used 3 fans. I had 2 and got one more , liked it so we'll I kept it that way.
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