New from the pipeline!
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:11 pm
Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi and tell you a little about myself. I'm a union pipefitter out of a small local in southern Illinois. I just recently started working on the pipeline (september) but have been in the trade since 2007. I LOVE my job! Just about every person I work with thinks I'm a little crazy. At break and lunch you can usually find me in the truck watching welding videos or some other instructional video on how to make metal stick together. After work, in the parking lot of the hotel welding or drinking beer! The main reason I joined this site is because I appreciate all the work Jody has done to get all those great videos up, and to hopefully help some guys out, but more than anything I came here to learn!!!! The day you stop trying to learn is the day you truly stop living.