New on forum
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:38 pm
I'm a student in a Steel Fabrication program at NB Community college. I'm a lousy welder(but still motivated to improve), I have discovered, so perhaps I'll have to be a good grinder, as they say! But I'm still trying. Ironically, it was the welding that motivated my enrolment. The one year course ends in June 2017. I previously worked as a civil servant for 38 yrs. I was retired for 9 years, sitting on the couch, as well as having a few hobby and interest areas. I never realized how much I would learn in this program. However, I won't be looking for a job. I'll probably attempt projects out of my garage. I watch you, Jody, on Youtube and I have you in the top few channels I watch regularly. I know I will continue to learn through this forum. PS: I will have turned 70, two weeks before graduation in June. Welding surely gets tougher for older dudes where vision and a steady hand is everything! However, I feel rejuvenated by the interaction with younger students and the quest for learning. I've come to believe learning is a life long process and if we cherish it in that context, we should never slow down. Cheers, Allan