Welcome to the community! Tell us about yourself, your welding interests, skills, specialties, equipment, etc.
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    Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:19 pm

Hi Everyone:

Guess I'm still in my midlife crisis and needed a cool hobby and was really fascinated by welding. Took a 40 hr welding course at a community college and now I've started to build stuff - built a bike rack for my 4x6 trailer and almost finished my welding table. I'm sure I will have a lot of questions for you all.


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Welcome, Alex.

Many people find themselves here from a similar path.

Ask away!

Steve S
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Cool, I'm from Winnipeg too. You probobly took a similar course as I did years ago at RRC. Just joined here myself.

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Welcome to the forum Alex.
M J Mauer Andover, Ohio

Linoln A/C 225
Everlast PA 200
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