Welcome to the community! Tell us about yourself, your welding interests, skills, specialties, equipment, etc.
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    Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:04 am

To start my introduction I just wanna say hello to everyone and that I’m glad to be a part of this forum.
I’m a retiring service member after 20 years and I’m about to be getting back into blue collar fabrication and welding lifestyle.
I have close to 17 years experience in different products stemming from metal buildings at 17 years old and getting laid off at Xmas time cause I was too young for shear forklift and overhead cranes. Then going to basic training for national guard work leaving me to manufacturing farming/harvesting equipment. Then hiring on for entry level steel and products tanks. I even started working for a start up assembling cement tumbles and a job shop at some point.
As time went on I then hired on a steel and aluminum bridge fabrication shop which I stayed for about 7 years and had to move to Salt Lake City making dump bodies for dump trucks from sheet metal. I also did work for a solar light outfit making domes and skylights from aluminum but as production tig welder but being young I had to move on.
So I would say I have experience but have been out of the business for sometime now.

To get back in the business I signed up to a welding course that will allow me to complete many recertifications with AWS and bought a Lincoln Precision TIG 275 and a Hypertherm 45xp to marry up to my Lincoln 180 HD wire feed.
I’m still working at setting up TIG and I Like running NR 211mp thru my wire feed. So I look forward to doing many side jobs.

I signed on to this forum and a few others to chime in and to ask a few questions of my own.
Look forward to hearing from you guys

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