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Bicycle Welding Positioner Video

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:08 pm
by mister_iainm

In the latest video (July 18th), when the torch is being held in the positioner, and the part is rotated by automatically, the torch is static.

However, when the part is welded by hand, the torch is moved laterally, and so follows a "weave" pattern, (in this case, by walking the cup).

Given that these are the same joint, why would one method be chosen over another, or alternatively, why would it not matter which was chosen?!

Best regards,
Iain M,

Re: Bicycle Welding Positioner Video

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:27 pm
by admin
mister_iainm wrote:All,

In the latest video (July 18th), when the torch is being held in the positioner, and the part is rotated by automatically, the torch is static.

However, when the part is welded by hand, the torch is moved laterally, and so follows a "weave" pattern, (in this case, by walking the cup).

Given that these are the same joint, why would one method be chosen over another, or alternatively, why would it not matter which was chosen?!

Best regards,
Iain M,
without the torch mount, walking the cup seemed to be the least tiring method. also, just showing different options
