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Petrogen torch

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:18 pm
by dann4144
Anyone have any feedback?

Re: Petrogen torch

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:40 am
by PTsidehow
Another brand
Here is another brand

The Petrogen is by far the superior of the set ups.
You will find that if you do a lot of cutting, it might pay for it. They are pricey $2,000.00, and require not only a different style of cutting. Let alone wrapping your mind around using the gasoline as a fuel. Even through the acetylene is a much more dangerous fuel. It does go against everything we know or think we know.

There is a guy down LA way that carves blocks of steel with an oxy/fuel torch. He uses the oxy/gas torch to cut the thick blocks of steel

Here are the links to the two discussions about them. ... #post58991 ... php?t=9599

The only other thing that some of the dealers and literature claims is that you can weld with them. You can not weld with anything other than oxy acetylene torch due to the fact that it is the only combination that will give a true neutral flame. all other contaminate.
hope this will help you out.

Re: Petrogen torch

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:25 pm
by BoDawg
I have some very limited experience with the petrogen brand unit. Our regional disaster Task Force has them, on the premise; gasoline may be easier to come by than Acetylene during a disaster response.I was pretty impressed. It takes a bit to get the start up procedure down... only because it's differant , not any harder really. It's operation is the same after that. It did however produce a much cleaner cut than I am used to, and was Very Powerful. Acetylene rigs I have used couldn't remotely compete when it came to raw cutting power.

I do know there is a huge variety of torches and tips available for Acetylene rigs.. not sure if this is true for the petro rigs. The reason I mention this, is a very experienced Oxy /Acet user may be able to get comparable performance using differant torches and or tips. I'm not that guy.

** just followed that sculpture link. Wow! that guy is impressive. Very nice work.