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Pipe or plate coupons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:49 am
by Zach_T
Was wondering if anyone could help me find somewhere or help me get pipe or pipe coupons to practice? I'm in highschool and since schools out I don't know where to get them and want to practice over the summer thanks

Re: Pipe or plate coupons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:58 am
by Zach_T
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Pipe or plate coupons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:30 am
by newschoppafowah
Metal supply houses should have what they call drops, or REMS for sale for less than new, or "prime" stock.

If you just need to burn rod, scrapyards may be an option, but watch out, sometimes their prices are no different than prime.

If it seems like they're selling it to you by any other measure than weight, be wary. When it comes down to it, almost all metal is sold by weight, so some simple math can tell you when a scrapyard wants to nail you for prime pricing on some rusty old gym lockers.

Tell us about what kind of pipe and what kind of welding you want to do and some of they guys around here can get a little more of an idea about what to suggest for ya.

Re: Pipe or plate coupons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:21 am
by WerkSpace
I visit the recycle metal yards in my area on a regular basis and get to know everyone by name. Industry throws away a lot of really interesting stuff, so I buy it and make something out of it. But, if you want free metal, go around to the fabrication shops and check out their scrap metal bins.

Ask for permission to take the metal scraps, as most shops will help you out, if they know what you are trying to do. The bigger the outfit, the less that they seem to care about the scrap end of the business. They've already made their money.
Zach_T wrote:Was wondering if anyone could help me find somewhere or help me get pipe or pipe coupons to practice? I'm in highschool and since schools out I don't know where to get them and want to practice over the summer thanks

Re: Pipe or plate coupons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:12 am
by Zach_T
The thing I want to practice is my pipe welding on stick and tig

Re: Pipe or plate coupons

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:17 pm
by Otto Nobedder
You don't need large quantities, either. A few three or four foot drops-ends in a few sizes and schedules will last a hundred hours.

When I'm practicing, I'll cut whatever I have in half, prep it and weld it, then cut the weld out on a chop-saw, outside each edge of the HAZ. This lets me examine the root very closely, and only sacrifices a half-inch or so from each leg, prep it out, and do it again.

While the point is well-taken about hitting the big shops, don't discount the li'l "Mom and Pop" shop around the corner. Make friends, and they may GIVE you some drops outright.

Steve S

Re: Pipe or plate coupons

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:08 pm
by Dblcorona
I would just try and find scrap and or remnants from some steel suppliers but if you want actual test coupons, you can order them through a few places like:

Re: Pipe or plate coupons

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:24 am
by Zach_T
Dblcorona wrote:I would just try and find scrap and or remnants from some steel suppliers but if you want actual test coupons, you can order them through a few places like:
That is exactly what I was hoping for thanks a bunch!!