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LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:17 pm
by rjm
Hi all,

I tried to search for "online supplies" here and got a msg that the words were too common! I'm in Northeast Los Angeles/Highland Park/Glendale/Pasadena area and would like a suggestion or two. The local shop I was going to, Gordy's, is out of business. Some online stores would be nice, too. Right now, I'd like to get something like this: ... t=0&page=1 The shipping here is about $12-15, which seems high. And they don't show the lens shade. Looking for OA gas welding lens for aluminum, and a headset for my Jackson Unigoggle--can find one I'm sure will fit.

Thanks for any help.

Best regards,


Re: LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:30 pm
by Otto Nobedder
Since you're searching "online", you can leave out the word "online".

Try searching "Welding lenses", "AO welding lenses", or other words that actually say what you're looking for.

How about "Lenses for welding aluminum"?

The search engines are smarter than you think. Just say what it is you want.

I could do it in a matter of seconds and share the results, but I'm not going to.

Steve S.

Re: LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:37 am
by robtg

Re: LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:31 pm
by rjm
Otto Nobedder wrote:Since you're searching "online", you can leave out the word "online".

Try searching "Welding lenses", "AO welding lenses", or other words that actually say what you're looking for.

How about "Lenses for welding aluminum"?

The search engines are smarter than you think. Just say what it is you want.

I could do it in a matter of seconds and share the results, but I'm not going to.

Steve S.
I guess I wasn't clear. I was searching on this forum, and the _Forum_ search function won't work with "online suppliers". I've tried other, unrelated searches here, too, with the same results.

I have searched using the search engines, and am aware of a number of online suppliers, none of which seem to carry the particular parts I want, and none of which I've done much biz with, hence I'm looking for both Local recommendations, since my goto supplier in Glendale is out of biz, and some online suppliers that people here have used. Really, a local shop would be great if someone on the forum knows this area, LA/Glendale/Pasadena, CA. , for instance, gives a bunch of links that carry Jackson Safety, but they don't seem to carry the particular headset I need. ;-)



Re: LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:25 pm
by weldin mike 27

I would try to contact the accual manufacturer. They should be able to give you a list of suppliers .


Re: LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:09 pm
by rjm
weldin mike 27 wrote:Hi,
I would try to contact the accual manufacturer. They should be able to give you a list of suppliers .
Yes, Jackson has a list on the web page, but it's not specifically for welding--I drove by a local one the other day and it was general construction--no help. I suppose I should call them. Not really that big of deal, I'd just like to find a good local, and online, suppliers. I asked at our local brewery here, Eagle Rock Brewery, but they don't have an in-house welder. Although they did point me to one guy I haven't had a chance to talk to yet. I need to sit in the taproom and wait for him! ;-)

(There are lots of welding suppliers in LA--the problem is LA is big, a "local" supplier can be 30 miles away--it can take 1 1/2 hrs to drive it!--and still be in the city! And, since there are so many, and so far, finding out a reputation is hard.)



Re: LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:07 pm
by weldin mike 27
Hi there,

Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. With all the effort that you may have to go to, That 15- 20 dollar shipping might be worth it.


Re: LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:02 pm
by rjm
weldin mike 27 wrote:Hi there,

Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. With all the effort that you may have to go to, That 15- 20 dollar shipping might be worth it.

lol! Yeah, well, that came to mind! And it might be worth. I'm not at all familiar with Fournier--which is why I posted the link to them--and wanted to compare. I have no doubt I can find reputable sources, just thought I might get some help here--I'm on a number of other forums, but this one's new to me.


Re: LA local supplies. online supplies

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:32 pm
by weldin mike 27

Yeah mate no harm in trying. Its seems that these days, with all our high tech internets and such, we tend to forget that our time is valuble as well and can search along time for that better deal, and it seems we forget the easier way. Good luck,

I hope you find what you want.
