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Garage Welding

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:26 am
by chillrich
Hey Guys
Posted this at Garage Journal too...

Looking for input on what you guys are doing about welding rigs in the garage? We are in BC Canada and have an attached garage. I have TIG, MIG and oxy-acetylene rigs as well as a couple of nitrogen bottles. When I asked our broker about potential insurance issues they said the underwriter didn't want me to have more than one bottle in the garage and in fact wasn't "comfortable" with welding taking place in the garage. I have asked for a clearer explanation of this and will see what come of it.

So at this point I'm looking for other options for insurance. I would be ok with putting the oxy-acet rig in the shed but I don't want to give up the TIG. Any input would be appreciated.

Re: Garage Welding

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:35 pm
by LanceR
I'd ask them if the policy has a specific disclaimer of liability for welding and, if so, to state the particular clause in the policy excluding coverage for welding. Of course, if you are accepting any money or barter whatever for welding that would almost certainly be grounds for a denial of any welding related claim.

And with that said, now that you have alerted them to the possibility of you welding in the garage they may well be able change or drop the policy based on the wording of the terms and conditions.

Good luck.


Re: Garage Welding

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:22 pm
by cj737
TIG and MIG has are both inert, so what’s their specific issue with it? There’s little fire hazard with TIG. MIG sparks, okay, a bit. Oxy/Ac is of course highly flammable. But demonstrate fire suppression and safety gear then they should walk back from their “exclusions” if you’re only a hobby welder.

Re: Garage Welding

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:57 pm
by chillrich
Thanks for the replies guys. I was originally concerned with oxy/acet and figured I would have to move them out which isn't a problem. Just don't want to find myself without insurance when its too late to ask the proper questions. Currently working with insurance broker to see what can be done. Hopefully they will accept a Argon tank at very least.

No one in their right mind would pay me for my welding :-)

Re: Garage Welding

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:06 pm
by MarkL
chillrich wrote: No one in their right mind would pay me for my welding :-)
You and I can go into business together, if we pool our money we can hire a welder.
I've had both Farmers and State Farm insurance and both knew I have welders but didn't care as long as I wasn't doing it for money. We do have extra coverage for a barn and equipment shed, but that's just for the value of the buildings and didn't add any kind of coverage for activities like welding. I have oxy, tig and stick, I bought the tig because I was so worried about starting a fire and now it's the only thing I use. I asked lots of questions about runaway tractors and fires in equipment buildings, they said everything was covered on a standard homeowner's policy as long as I wasn't accepting money to use any of it.

Re: Garage Welding

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:52 am
by chillrich
This seems to be what the underwriter is leery of, that I'm running a business. I've explained that the cylinders contain inert gas and are smaller than a scuba tank or fire extinguisher. The only exception in the policy that they can cling onto is "Farm or Business". If they accept that I'm not running a business it appears that I can have whatever I want in my garage short of drugs and nuclear. :D

In hindsight, should of kept my mouth shut but I wanted to know for sure.

Re: Garage Welding

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:45 am
by aland
chillrich wrote:In hindsight, should of kept my mouth shut but I wanted to know for sure.
Not really, you're in the clear here and it pays to know your legal status with your insurance. Unless you ask others and/or your carrier there is really no way to know for certain unless you read all the fine print in your policy. BTW, that might be a good idea also, so that you can discuss it with your carrier.

Once you show the carrier that you are not operating a business, there is little they can do about it, ask them.