General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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Hey all,
I've got a really old MIG I picked up in Germany many years ago. It's pretty solid and was reliable until I noticed my shielding gas was practically absent. The bottle is full (new), the regulator was good but swapped to a known good unit, I check the line between the regulator and the welder and it's clear, but still, no gas.
I tear into it and it's pretty basic inside. I quickly locate the gas solenoid, take it out, power check it and it seems OK, it buzzes and seems to be running when power applied. I take it apart and all seems free and clear so no issues there. I put it back together, test it again, put it back in the welder and it's still not getting any gas out of the solenoid. I don't feel any pressure or suction on the appropriate sides.
The unit is a 220v Elektra-Beckum MIG/MAG 120/20 from around 1988. I've attached pictures of the unit and the solenoid for reference. The only writing on the solenoid itself is 220v 7w 50/60 Hz T60.
Just looking for ideas, suggestions, and advice before I go on Ebay/Amazon dropping $20-30 a shot on 220v solenoids with no clue as to what's what or anything aside from it saying 220 gas solenoid. Maybe it's that simple but while I'm good with a lot of things, this is the first welder I've had to tackle.
I know it's an old welder. I know they stopped making them. I know it's not top of the line in terms of power or capabilities but it seems a shame to trash it over a $30 part.

If anyone has had similar issues on a welder, knows where I can score one from a reputable vendor, or has any input, I'd be interested in hearing from you.


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Have you checked gas flow through the hose between the regulator/flow-meter and the solenoid? An old hose can collapse internally and block flow before gas reaches the solenoid. I'm assuming you mean you get little flow directly from the solenoid output. If that's not what you meant, check the O-rings on the whip where it's clamped into the machine (and be sure the whip is fully seated). This is another place on older machine can show this trouble.

Good luck,

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Can you remove the 4 solenoid screws, open up the valve, take out all the parts and lay together and send us a pick. please?
I would like to see the diaphram, slug, spring and valve seat on the lower body half.
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Buzzing in a solenoid is not normally a good sign. Don't think the solenoid is anything special. Should be able to get something that will work from any local industrial supply.
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If it was originally a 50 Hz euro machine I would think maybe the 60hz time has taken its tole.
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