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Just Thank You!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:18 pm
by WeldItUp
So I started my welding journey (mid life crisis attempt) as a 40 year old, 20-year veteran professional firefighter and paramedic, and I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you who weld in any form or fashion for your profession and livelihood. It's funny how a little insight and new experience can get you to look at things around you in a different way. I find that since I started this new hobby I'm looking at the world around me, all the time now, all that is built, forged, fabricated, crafted and created by the skilled hands of unsung heroes. I make every effort to be skilled in my craft of firefighting and paramedicine, but I can't say I've ever taken the time to really closely look at even the tools of my trade and appreciate what or who made them...not to this level anyway. So without going on and on about this revelation I've experienced let me again say a heartfelt THANK YOU for all you do, and THANK YOU for all you continue to teach and share with all of us who are just beginning or striving to be better than we were yesterday! Have a great day, be safe, and be well!

-Brian Worley

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Re: Just Thank You!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:20 pm
by Farmwelding
Welcome to the club of universal weld inspectors. I have gone to parks and decided what to do based on the look of the welds. And thank you for becoming a welder. Always nice to have more people learning.

Re: Just Thank You!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:34 pm
by WeldItUp
Farmwelding wrote:Welcome to the club of universal weld inspectors. I have gone to parks and decided what to do based on the look of the welds. And thank you for becoming a welder. Always nice to have more people learning.
Just expressing a legitimate appreciation for something I've taken for granted for a long time. I'm excited to learn what I can, and build some cool stuff in the process!

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Re: Just Thank You!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 10:32 pm
by Otto Nobedder

Nick is just expressing one habit you will acquire, like it or not, as you become skilled at welding. You will find yourself criticizing every weld you encounter, such as on the handrail at your stairwell at work, or on the merry-go-round your kids play on.

Once you understand what a proper weld is and how it's done, it becomes second nature to observe every weld around you and see the many flaws that pass in high-production welding.

You're quite right that few people recognize when craftsmanship and personal pride went in to something they're using. In this "throwaway" society, it's rare for someone to even recognize hand-crafting.


Just Thank You!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 12:43 am
by WeldItUp
Otto Nobedder wrote:Brian,

Nick is just expressing one habit you will acquire, like it or not, as you become skilled at welding. You will find yourself criticizing every weld you encounter, such as on the handrail at your stairwell at work, or on the merry-go-round your kids play on.

Once you understand what a proper weld is and how it's done, it becomes second nature to observe every weld around you and see the many flaws that pass in high-production welding.

You're quite right that few people recognize when craftsmanship and personal pride went in to something they're using. In this "throwaway" society, it's rare for someone to even recognize hand-crafting.

No worries Steve, I didn't take it wrong at all. I just wanted to make sure his and your skill set and the countless others got some recognition from someone who's learning to appreciate what it takes to do it right, and I'm just scratching the surface of exposure. I'm grateful to have access to all you and the others have to offer

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Re: Just Thank You!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:44 am
by Farmwelding
Hey we are all learning. That's just the way welding is. The only time that you really aren't learning is if you are a basically a human robot doing the same thing day after day which still has things to be learned. I myself am nowhere near a ton of these guys here. I may have started welding 5 years ago at age 12, but I'm still a dumb teenager who is trying to learn and get hood time. That's why I am here. Help others who know less then me( not a lot though because compared to someone like Steve I really don't know squat dittily) and also to learn, but mostly to learn.

Re: Just Thank You!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 8:45 am
by WeldItUp
Farmwelding wrote:Hey we are all learning. That's just the way welding is. The only time that you really aren't learning is if you are a basically a human robot doing the same thing day after day which still has things to be learned. I myself am nowhere near a ton of these guys here. I may have started welding 5 years ago at age 12, but I'm still a dumb teenager who is trying to learn and get hood time. That's why I am here. Help others who know less then me( not a lot though because compared to someone like Steve I really don't know squat dittily) and also to learn, but mostly to learn.
Keep up the strong work brother, and never stop learning

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Re: Just Thank You!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 7:06 pm
by Otto Nobedder
"Forever a student" has become my motto, almost a mantra. Everything I learn leads me to two things I don't know, like Hercules and the Hydra. My ignorance is growing exponentially...

I participate on a group on LinkedIn hosted by Sandvik, that gives me access to PhD level welding engineers and metallurgists, and I've learned a ton, some of which I've shared here. They are remarkably patient with my "technician-level" questions, but they don't dumb it down for me, which I appreciate.


Re: Just Thank You!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 8:13 pm
by Olivero
Thank you for thanking us. Always nice to be acknowledged :)

Re: Just Thank You!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 8:57 pm
by Farmwelding
Otto Nobedder wrote:"Forever a student" has become my motto, almost a mantra. Everything I learn leads me to two things I don't know, like Hercules and the Hydra. My ignorance is growing exponentially...

I participate on a group on LinkedIn hosted by Sandvik, that gives me access to PhD level welding engineers and metallurgists, and I've learned a ton, some of which I've shared here. They are remarkably patient with my "technician-level" questions, but they don't dumb it down for me, which I appreciate.

If you haven't listened to the podcast with Steve as the guest do it. Guy has been everywhere and done everything because he got bored and wasn't learning anything at his job anymore