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ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:17 am
by subwayrocket
What happened to ChuckE2009 ? I was subscribed to him and always got a laugh from his vids , it was just a fun channel to watch ...but now it's got way too many tool unboxings and reviews ...he's obviously way too commercialized now. He also disabled comments on all videos i've looked at. I would imagine they are disabled because alot of viewers want to tell him about it. Anyone know the deal with his channel ? What happened ?

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:21 am
by ryanjames170
subwayrocket wrote:What happened to ChuckE2009 ? I was subscribed to him and always got a laugh from his vids , it was just a fun channel to watch ...but now it's got way too many tool unboxings and reviews ...he's obviously way too commercialized now. He also disabled comments on all videos i've looked at. I would imagine they are disabled because alot of viewers want to tell him about it. Anyone know the deal with his channel ? What happened ?
i am not to sure whats happend with it.. i mean there is still alot of good content there, but yeah he has gotten more commercialized..

on the comments i think they could of been getting tired of a arm chair welder types though.. the oh that weld is shit.. from someone who has never welded a dam thing.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:31 am
by MosquitoMoto
I think that if I hosted a YouTube channel I'd disable comments from day one.

YouTube simply isn't a nice place to play, it seems virtually open slather for anyone to get on and sling as much vile, abusive crap as they want. And because it has a long history of this, it seems to attract the sort of people who just want to cause trouble and lower the tone.

I've seen far too many perfectly good video postings defaced by morons blasting abuse back and forth at each other, it's a shame but it seems to be just how it is these days.


Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:59 am
by C. Livingstone

I only allow "approved" comments on my YouTube Channel. But I'm not "commercialized" in any
way, nor do I care to be. Not that "commercial" is inherently bad, not at all.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:26 am
by Rupes
I don't take much notice of the comments most of the time. The comments usually resemble the back of public toilet doors. Funnily enough I think I've discovered a reduction in public toilet graffiti that is inversley proportional to social media usage, especially Twitter :o

A lot of stuff is already available though and that's the thing. Whats the point hashing over the same stuff. Jody already has about all you could possibly need to know about welding and explained so well you really don't need anything else. I don't think Chucky could compete on the welding front and probably wasn't trying to. Seemed to be going the commercial review route some time ago. Thing is though I don't have a lot of faith in reviewers when most of the stuff they review is always "awesome".

I know reviewers frequently get stuff for free for the purposes of a review, however is there also a monetary reward for doing it or is all that via youtube advertising?

Check out AVE and some of his tear down reviews. I doubt he's getting much in the way of kick backs for some of those reviews.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:34 am
by MosquitoMoto good! Have enjoyed his stuff for awhile.

An entertaining guy who knows his stuff and mixes good info with irreverence and absurdity. Gold.


Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:36 am
by subwayrocket
MosquitoMoto wrote:An entertaining guy who knows his stuff and mixes good info with irreverence and absurdity.
Exactly. I always got a good laugh from his video's .
The channel allowed comments until just very recently. And prior to them being disabled, there were really no crude comments that I noticed. He had all good comments from people that you could tell followed the channel a long time . All of a sudden he started doing an awful lot of tool and machine reviews , then the comments got disabled .

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:18 am
by MosquitoMoto
subwayrocket wrote:
MosquitoMoto wrote:An entertaining guy who knows his stuff and mixes good info with irreverence and absurdity.
Exactly. I always got a good laugh from his video's .
The channel allowed comments until just very recently. And prior to them being disabled, there were really no crude comments that I noticed. He had all good comments from people that you could tell followed the channel a long time . All of a sudden he started doing an awful lot of tool and machine reviews , then the comments got disabled .

I think that generally if you are a solid, stand-up guy (Jody) on YouTube, you attract like-minded people and things can stay nice. However...that can change very quickly, at the whim of a handful of disrespectful morons who love to hear the sound of their own keys tapping.

AvE quite possibly copped flack (in comments) for his tool reviews because he doesn't hold back in what he has to say, and that will always upset some people, especially those with 'brand loyalty' to a particular make of tool, or possibly those with financial interests in the brand.


Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:15 am
by Rupes
I rarely look in on it but I did notice a couple weeks ago a tractor vid where he obviously was unhappy with it, started off the video having a go at armchair mechanics in the comments. Never seen him do that before then I started noticing comments disabled. Maybe he had enough of them or maybe it was the irrelevant political arguments seeping into the comments over the past couple months that did it.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:08 am
by Harry72
Go too the weldingweb site and you find most of the reasons he has disabled comments...

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:42 am
by PeteM
MosquitoMoto good! Have enjoyed his stuff for awhile.

An entertaining guy who knows his stuff and mixes good info with irreverence and absurdity. Gold.


That guy is definitely quite skookum!

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:42 pm
by Ratsathome
And here I thought that my ip was blocked on his channel.

Sent from my campfire using smoke signals

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:32 am
by doc58
I, too, was a subscriber and agree with some of the comments here: some of the armchair critics of either his welding or his product reviews were quite rude. "I'd never use XYZ brand because ..." "That's just cr@ppy..." etc etc. Not helpful at all.

It's a pity really, since a newbie like me used to learn a lot from the (sensible) comments and tips/hints.

The internet seems to breed rudeness at times.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:47 pm
by ryanjames170
doc58 wrote:I, too, was a subscriber and agree with some of the comments here: some of the armchair critics of either his welding or his product reviews were quite rude. "I'd never use XYZ brand because ..." "That's just cr@ppy..." etc etc. Not helpful at all.

It's a pity really, since a newbie like me used to learn a lot from the (sensible) comments and tips/hints.

The internet seems to breed rudeness at times.

yes it dose.. kinda a crap shoot really.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:30 am
by C. Livingstone
I think it's nice that ChuckE2009 is doing what he's doing. And most eveything he does goes beyond just an unboxing of a welder unit, to include a practical demonstration of the unit welding. But, yeah, unboxing of units is not my favorite part.

But he does get a lot of flak about not being the most outstanding welder or fabricator. Of course, he's young, and getting better fast, even in some of his video production techniques. I mean, I saw a recent one where the shots were framed way better than most of his stuff and he even was using the Ken Burns documentary effect of slowly zooming in and out of still shots.

Otherwise, a lot of people, especially with welding forums just seem to dislike the idea of "YouTube commandos". And I hope ChuckE2009 doesn't get too frustrated by some of those kind of comments or slurs.

It's counter-intuitive, but the concept that the best way to learn something is often by teaching it, can be seen with ChuckE2009, I think. I mean, that's where you'll get a lot of hecklers, and learn how to deal with them, while also learning where your weaknesses are, so you can strengthen them. I learned some cognitive and emotive restructuring techniques in the 1980s, but then decided to reinforce them for myself as much as others by teaching them in didactic groups to mental patients, offender populations, and condemned men (yes, I was an I was a tax-feed State employee once upon a time). Talk about a tough subject with some tough crowds though! So, there's almost no better way to learn something than to teach it, if you can follow that. And Lanse is buzzing around with a mills, lathes, and a CNC plasma table already, if I'm not mistaken. That's pretty impressive for a self-taught kid of his age.

Anyway, I think one overlooked feature about ChuckE2009 video reviews is the speed and volume that he does them. I just saw him doing one on an unannounced, newly released Everlast iMig 230i MIG/Stick, Non-Multi. I mean, other than that ChuckE2009 video you can't find out much on this unit yet, unless you call Everlast.


Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:14 am
by Rupes
That right there is probably the reason for a lot of flak. I mean c'mon the video title alone.

"The Top MIG/STICK Welder of 2017?!? Everlast's New, Simple, Rugged Power iMIG 230i"

Its an ad plain and simple, I've seen enough reviews to know the difference between an ad and a unbiased review.


Edit, just watched it and yep an ad. Its heavy duty, and heavier than some of the competitors lighter weight models.. wtf? Also it has some simple dials and no hidden menus, ahh cool. Also it has some buttons. Err it does have 4 wheels though .... pfft

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:05 pm
by C. Livingstone

All of the YouTube videos about new Miller or Everlast welding units are obviously promotional in nature, and which gives new units exposure. And, yeah, it's easy to see the difference between them and when a machine review is given by an end-users, retail customers, or others. I mean, Jody Collier has done some exposure or promotional videos on a few welding units, which helped me to decide to pick an Everlast 210EXT unit that I'm very happy with, as an AC/DC TIG unit upgrade, so I could add some aluminum welding to my little projects.

So, I think most any exposure is good. And I don't think much objectivity has been lost in any of the ChuckE2009 videos that I've seen. He puts 'em through the paces OK, and gives an early or intial impression. I find that helpful, at no cost to me directly. Of course, some of his video postings are just his personal projects and sharing. And there was one where he was actually berating a tractor model that he bought, which was certainly no ad from that company, but which helps to inform consumers.

Even though I'm not watching closely, I've never seen any examples of his positive reviews being completely misguided about a welding unit, by quickly being proved otherwise under a flurry of valid criticism.

Mr. TIG gets a lot of unreasonably harsh criticism in welding forums too. But I find most of his videos quite good in their content, even though there is a commercial or promotional nature in many of them too. I liked how he gathered up four popular AC/DC TIG units, including my own model, to do a "Duty-Cycle Shootout", which appeared to be prompted by his subscriber requests, and not from any company. And it was nice to see the Everlast and AHP both exceed the published manufacturer spec.

So, yeah, "ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???"

I don't know? I don't "subscribe" to it or any YouTube Channel. But then, I don't even do "likes" on Facebook. Ha, ha, ha...

Rupes wrote:That right there is probably the reason for a lot of flak. I mean c'mon the video title alone.

"The Top MIG/STICK Welder of 2017?!? Everlast's New, Simple, Rugged Power iMIG 230i"

Its an ad plain and simple, I've seen enough reviews to know the difference between an ad and a unbiased review.


Edit, just watched it and yep an ad. Its heavy duty, and heavier than some of the competitors lighter weight models.. wtf? Also it has some simple dials and no hidden menus, ahh cool. Also it has some buttons. Err it does have 4 wheels though .... pfft

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:42 pm
I've watched most of his vids, he reminds me of the late Billy Mays.

I wish him luck, but I mostly consider him just a shill for who ever is helping him out with freebies and cash.

At one time when AHP was a big sponsor the Alpha Mig 250 was the greatest thing since sliced bread, until HTP, now you con't even see the machine in his shop anymore.

Disabling comments is quite indicative that he has a very thin skin, he should grow a pair.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:03 am
by sedanman
I just can't stand shills.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:05 pm
by C. Livingstone

With the volume of YouTube videos that ChuckE2009 has produced, I don’t blame him for wanting to slow down the numerous comments, many of which undoubtedly lack any critical merit or which amounts to nothing more than ad hominems, mischaracterizations, tangents, or strawman arguments, rather than ones that objectively refute any particular points within the presented content, as stated or demonstrated.

So, I don’t think “disabling” comments at his YouTube Channel is necessarily indicative of him having emotionally “thin skin”, even though I do think many people do needless suffer from low-frustration-tolerance (LFT). He's a young guy. It might seem a little overwhelming to try to deal with all ridiculous comments at all of his many video comment areas.

I mean, on my own non-commercial, non-monetized YouTube Channel, from the very beginning I decided to utilize the “approved” comments only, even though my personal sharing videos only number in the dozens. But, I do screen enough comments to know that a lot of potential ones are pretty flakey and will often seek to utilize my topic and their own comments and included links to drive cyber traffic to their Channel or some commercial website that carries some related item, e.g, this recent one:
Comment.jpg (32.69 KiB) Viewed 13614 times
I mean, I dig criticism. I think it is one of the very best sources of progress, and is nothing to be feared. So I will literally ask for it on a forum or in other dialogues, with a proviso that it be objective and actually refer to the content, i.e., something in “quotes”, showing any flaw in the reasoning regarding an idea or principle within the quoted statement I’ve made. But, I usually get only ad hominems, e.g., “you’re just a shill”. And I personally like to respond with a retort to most any direct, bad, off-point types of criticism or ad hominems. But, again, I don’t have a large volume to deal with like ChuckE2009 undoubtedly does.

Interestingly though, I think a lot of people don’t actually understand what a “shill” really is.

ChuckE2009 is certainly not a “shill”. He’s an upfront reviewer/promoter of welding units and machinery, and mentions his Channel is being sponsored with his review videos. And he seems to be prospering quite well doing it. Good for him!

Living most of my teenaged and adult life in Las Vegas, having worked in major casino/resorts, shills were a well-known concept that involved no defrauding of customers, but unlike an upfront promoter, a shill is compensated to be seen engaging in a behavior or using a product so as to lead people to believe that their actions or product selection was seen to be their own personal and uncompensated choice. So, if a casino was “slow”, a casino manager might have a pit boss give some chips to some attractive women for gambling at the tables, so as to attract more gaming activity in the pit. And, of course, the compensated shill chips usually end up back in the casino cage anyway. But the shills get to drink for free like the other gamblers, too. So, everyone is theoretically happy, as even the casino guests know that they’re in a casino where gambling is being promoted. Wink, wink!

Or, with the advent of social media, celebrities can “shill” for a club or discotheque, which might garner free drinks for them and their friends if they “tweet” all of their may “followers” with “selfies” that they’re at a particular club, so as to drive up club patronage and cover charges paid. Paris Hilton might be an example of that. Wink, wink!

Additionally, celebrities will “shill” at awards ceremonies by being seen wearing certain designer dresses which would normally cost them thousands of dollars, but which cost them nothing to wear, so long as they simply mention and speak favorably about the fashion producer, when asked by televised media sources, which always do. Wink, wink!

But, who knows, maybe I’m mistaken on one of the above points? Wink, wink!

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:36 am
by Rupes
Well call it what you like. You can watch the channel or for exactly the same info but in a more concise format just go to the manufacturers website.

Granted you may get information about a manufactures new model slightly quicker on his youtube channel than on their website. Maybe they need to pay their web dev guys more?

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:54 am
by C. Livingstone

The Everlast website is slow to be updated.

Otherwise, who knows, maybe ChuckE2009 will see this thread and give a response about "what" he's doing with his YouTube Channel lately, which the original poster seemed to be curious about.

I was just speculating for the sake of dialog. I mean, I'm guessing he's just a little surprised at how hostile people in the welding cyber community can be towards him, when his efforts and intentions are obviously helpful to others and himself.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:20 am
by Keith_J
He makes good money off the tube but more from tool reviews. Keeping the trash talk off the comments is a good idea BUT he should let trusted commenters post. AvE is the bomb but he intentionally screws up. CE mark isnt chinese export, it is European Conformance.

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:25 pm
by Otto Nobedder
I don't make and post videos (though I've been tempted to), but I comment freely many places, including the AUS vs. USA facebook group. You simply cannot hurt my feelings by hurling electronic insults at me. Try to troll me, and I will have you so f#$king angry you'll damage your computer trying to reply.

Thick skin is needed to work in the trades, and if you can't take the heat on facebook and youtube, you won't make it on a shutdown, turnaround, grassroots, or pipeline.

Steve S

Re: ChuckE2009 , what happened to this channel???

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:15 am
by Oscar
Years ago, as I was teaching myself to TIG weld, I would enjoy his videos to learn tips and tricks. Now a days, I still do watch his videos but mostly for the product exposure to see what's out there. There's no denying that welding companies are utilizing his YouTube presence to get more exposure for themselves, and there's nothing wrong with that. They can pay anyone they want to serve as an advertisement channel for them, it's their money.

He must be doing really well by now. He just bought himself a nice $2000+ 30-gallon gasoline powered truck mount Dewalt air compressor.