General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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    Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:22 am

Yeah, Oscar,

I didn’t really watch any YouTube videos until a few years ago, when I decided that I’d upgrade to an AC-capable TIG machine. Now that I think about it, I may not have had an internet connection that was good enough for streaming video until then. And I think I recall having trouble with how long it took for me to upload a YouTube video only a couple of years ago.

Anyway, it was Jody’s videos that included using an Everlast 210 EXT that influenced my buying decision, and which was my source of tips on welding aluminum (some Mr TIG videos too), which I’m still a novice at, since the projects that I’ve used aluminum with have been small and infrequent over the past two years that I’ve had my AC unit. I don’t really practice aluminum welding either, as I’m pretty cheap with Argon. My actual arc time on aluminum TIG is undoubtedly in the single digits of hours, unlike with mild and other steel. But I did do a lot of Stick and some MIG welding fieldwork on some big, commercial projects around the Mid and Southwest (no SSN/TIN), years ago. So, design and fabrication, not the welding process itself, is more interesting to me.

But, yeah, ChuckE2009 videos are undoubtedly very helpful to a lot people, at no cost to them directly. I like that. And some of his videos are helpful to me too, with his brief demos and exposure of new machines, since I’m an anarcho-capitalist (in the Rothbardian tradition), Free Market fan too. So, ROCK ON, ChuckE2009!

Of course, ChuckE2009 will probably continue to get some flak from the mercantilist, anti-Asian welding unit crowd, since he promotes Everlast, AHP, as well as other, so-called non-Asian units.

But that is changing, as Everlast is not a “bad word” anymore, in most circles, as it has proven to be a leader in value, quality, and innovation. I mean, when that sensational, new Everlast MTS 221sti AC/DC TIG-MIG-Stick unit “drops” this year, it will be a sort of Black Swan event for the welder marketplace around the globe, that almost all the the other welder producers didn’t see coming. And it’ll undoubtedly sell like crazy for years to come, as its a true FIRST as an “all-in-one”, with a digital interface, including even advanced features, like Square and Triangular wave forms. And, who knows, maybe ChuckE2009 will be the first one to debut it to the whole world for Everlast.

It’s a fun time!!!!!!!!!
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Peace be with you all,
Christian Livingstone

Everlast AC/DC 210EXT (2015)
CAT250D DC-TIG/Plasma Combo
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