General welding questions that dont fit in TIG, MIG, Stick, or Certification etc.
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If you remember, we started a thread entitled "Electrode Exchange" where we opened up the floor for those who wish to try electrode or other welding related items that those from across the pond have. I had a very successful exchange with member Svetsare where I sent him several pounds of 6010 5P and 5P+ and he sent me some ESAB E316L-16 1/16" SS electrodes (item# 63202020L0) SS electrodes and a Kemppi hand amptrol. We agreed that if I could get the Kemppi to work on a Lincoln or Miller machine that I would post up the pictures and do a YouTube video. Well, I finally got to it and got the correct parts in and it works very well!! First I will say that I worked with several others, who I will edit in later, and will put out there that if anyone copies this it will be at their own risk and Lincoln might not warranty your machine if they know what you did.

Edit; To explain the best way I can on how I made it work, inside the Kemppi amptrol there is only a potentiometer which means there are only 3 wires. I had to cut off the amptrol on the Kemppi and order in a Lincoln 6 pin amptrol part # S12020-27. One mistake I made was to match the color locations from the Kemppi. I found out from a distributor that used to sell Kemppi in the USA, that they were not forthcoming on information back in the day and just because a red wire was this on the remote didn't mean that it was the same on the next component. Anyway, I ended up re-soldering the plug 3 times until I got it right. The middle red wire went to pin B, the black wire went to A and the blue went to C. The white wire does nothing but I already soldered it in so I left it. Once I had the wires correct it worked like a champ. The wheel has enough resistance to not roll out of control but lose enough to move easily. the amptrol automatically has the full range of amp control, 5-310 amps.
As promised, I will try some light gauge SS pipe tomorrow with the electrodes sent to me and depending on how well it goes, share some pictures. Maybe I can get a few more :D

Here is Svetsare's posts and videos using the remote. ... t=Svetsare
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Last edited by Superiorwelding on Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Pics of us using it.
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Hillbilly welder at work!
Hillbilly welder at work!
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How does it work exactly, is it used to adjust the amps?
It's always best to build your own, especially when it comes to hitches!!!
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Yes it adjusts the amps. It sweeps 5-310 amps on the machine.
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As promised, Here are the videos of me using the remote. I settled on 45-52 amps being best. Enjoy. ... 3VA/videos

And I was asked to put this over on WW so here you go; ... coln-350MP
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I must say that I am very satisfied of Jonathan´s work. : )
But tell me what do you think about the remote, is it any good? and what thickness and material was that pipe on the youtube video?
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Svetsare wrote:I must say that I am very satisfied of Jonathan´s work. : )
But tell me what do you think about the remote, is it any good? and what thickness and material was that pipe on the youtube video?
Thank you very much! I like the remote, there will be certain applications in would come in handy. I have a few ideas on improving it, will see what happens. The guys all want one now that they tried it. I took it to my LWS and hooked it up to their demo 350MP and they got to see what it does. They were impressed. I am going to contact this company here that used to sell Kemppi and see if they can get more remotes easily.
As for the SS pipe, it was a drop I just grabbed so don't know the grade. The wall thickness is around 1/8". Will look up what it actually is tomorrow.
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Freaking sweet dude! I got the] pleasure if welding with a fronius machine that you could use the foot Pettle with thesquirt gun, was awesome in rusty you could easily hut the correct amp for position.
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What potentiometer is in the remote? 1K, 10K?
And what was the original wire diagram?

I need the info to be able to make remote for my Kemppi MP 1500
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