Identifying the different types of steel. See the following PDFs.
Books, articles, websites and other sources of information.
Here's something to add a bit to a very old topic lol
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- 1403350_802096016505464_2048351939502380230_o.jpg (71.46 KiB) Viewed 2827 times
Instagram: @nathanppiatt
Owner/welder at Homegrown Metal Fab
Lincoln Weld-Pak 125 HD
Lincoln AC/DC 225/125
Lincoln Port-a-torch
30" 40 ton homegrown press brake
Northern Industrial1HP 3/4" chuck, 16 speed drill press
Owner/welder at Homegrown Metal Fab
Lincoln Weld-Pak 125 HD
Lincoln AC/DC 225/125
Lincoln Port-a-torch
30" 40 ton homegrown press brake
Northern Industrial1HP 3/4" chuck, 16 speed drill press
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